Hi folks,
First of all, thanks for a great product!
I'm using GeoServer in my masters thesis together with Deegree and I'm having a lot of fun.
I have a question about how geoserver is building the sql-statements.
When I perform a GetMap-request on a PostGIS layer called 'byggnader', geoserver seems to fire the following statement:
# SELECT gid, AsText(force_2d("the_geom")), "shape_area"
# FROM "byggnader"
# "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))', 2400)
# intersects("the_geom", GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))', 2400))
# "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))',2400)
# intersects("the_geom", GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))', 400))
# )
When I evaluate the statement in psql using 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE' I get the following result:
# Index Scan using byggnader_gist_index on byggnader (cost=0.00..652.08 rows=18 width=312) (actual time=0.000..16574.000 rows=9452 loops=1)
# Index Cond: (
# (the_geom && 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry)
# (the_geom && 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry)
# )
# Filter: (
# intersects(the_geom, 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry)
# intersects(the_geom, 'SRID=400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry))
# Total runtime: 17326.000 ms
From my point of view it seems as if the following statement would be sufficient:
# SELECT gid, AsText(force_2d("the_geom")), "shape_area"
# FROM "byggnader"
# "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))', 2400)
# )
...which results in:
# Index Scan using byggnader_gist_index on byggnader (cost=0.00..32893.03 rows=8534 width=312) (actual time=0.000..2033.000 rows=9452 loops=1)
# Index Cond: (
# the_geom && 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry
# )
# Total runtime: 2123.000 ms
Am I totally wrong or is something happening here that maybe could be improved?
Best regards
Peter Segerstedt
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