Oops, I seem to have missed a '2' when I copied the output (I've corrected it below).
No, they are two identical pairs of conditions, actually I think all of the four conditions in variant 1 are equal which in that case means that they could all be replaced by one of them. The operation '&&' (overlaps) and the function 'intersects()' seems to do the same job, just that for some reason, 'intersects()' in my case doesn't use the gist-index. The performance (counted in time) differs by a factor 9 in my simple test.
From: Alexandre Florio <aflorio@anonymised.com>
To: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Non-optimized SQL-statements?
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 09:52:53 -0300Aren't the queries different?
In the first query you are intersecting with 2 geometries (SRID=2400 and 400), and in the second one, just with 1 geometry (SRID=2400).
-- Alexandre
Em Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:57:38 +0200
"Peter Segerstedt" <petersegerstedt@anonymised.com> escreveu:> # SELECT gid, AsText(force_2d("the_geom")), "shape_area"
> # FROM "byggnader"
> # WHERE (
> # "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700
> 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))', 2400)
> # AND
> # intersects("the_geom", GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900,
> 1332700 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))',
> 2400))
> # AND
> # "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700
> 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))',2400)
> # AND
> # intersects("the_geom", GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900,
> 1332700 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))', 2400))
> # )
> When I evaluate the statement in psql using 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE' I get the
> following result:
> # Index Scan using byggnader_gist_index on byggnader (cost=0.00..652.08
> rows=18 width=312) (actual time=0.000..16574.000 rows=9452 loops=1)
> # Index Cond: (
> # (the_geom && 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700
> 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry)
> # AND
> # (the_geom && 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700
> 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry)
> # )
> # Filter: (
> # intersects(the_geom, 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700
> 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry)
> # AND
> # intersects(the_geom, 'SRID=400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700
> 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry))
> # Total runtime: 17326.000 ms
> From my point of view it seems as if the following statement would be
> sufficient:
> # SELECT gid, AsText(force_2d("the_geom")), "shape_area"
> # FROM "byggnader"
> # WHERE (
> # "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((1332700 6174900, 1332700
> 6181900, 1339700 6181900, 1339700 6174900, 1332700 6174900))', 2400)
> # )
> ...which results in:
> # Index Scan using byggnader_gist_index on byggnader (cost=0.00..32893.03
> rows=8534 width=312) (actual time=0.000..2033.000 rows=9452 loops=1)
> # Index Cond: (
> # the_geom && 'SRID=2400;POLYGON((1332700 6174900,1332700
> 6181900,1339700 6181900,1339700 6174900,1332700 6174900))'::geometry
> # )
> # Total runtime: 2123.000 ms
> Am I totally wrong or is something happening here that maybe could be
> improved?-------------------------------------------------------
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