[Geoserver-devel] Noob Q - capturing coordinates on mouse-click etc...


I want to develop a web application with Geoserver, and being new to the program I was hoping some of you could point me in the right direction to start off from. What I would like to do is:

- develop Geoserver in Eclipse w/ Tomcat (OS X 10.5)

- capture a point on mouse click and pass the coordinates to java classes already in place

- render new features / update displayed features on the basis of actions performed in said classes (which already successfully query a PostGIS layer)

Assuming I can get the Eclipse / Tomcat setup working*, are there any code samples / online resources available (or just plain old advice!) to help me start off on these last two points?

Any assistance gratefully received,


*I've seen some of the docs on the website referring to setting up an Eclipse / tomcat install on OS X but I gather I'll have to tinker with this somewhat unless there are more detailed instructions I'm unaware of...


Can you tell us more about "said classes"? What function are they
performing? Where do they live? Are they running inside of GeoServer? or
part of the front end of the web application? At some other middle tier?

Also, do you have any specific requirement to run GeoServer inside of
tomcat? For deployment time its definitely recemmended but for
developing and running from within Eclipse I would recommend jetty. Some
docs about setting that up can be found here:


As for front end stuff... You should take a look at the OpenLayers
library. Its a logical starting point for any web application that needs
to embed a map in the application. You can find more info on the
openlayers wiki, and if you like what you see check out the examples
that ship with openlayers, they are a great source of info.

jkb wrote:


I want to develop a web application with Geoserver, and being new to
the program I was hoping some of you could point me in the right
direction to start off from. What I would like to do is:

- develop Geoserver in Eclipse w/ Tomcat (OS X 10.5)

- capture a point on mouse click and pass the coordinates to java
classes already in place

- render new features / update displayed features on the basis of
actions performed in said classes (which already successfully query a
PostGIS layer)

Assuming I can get the Eclipse / Tomcat setup working*, are there any
code samples / online resources available (or just plain old advice!)
to help me start off on these last two points?

Any assistance gratefully received,


*I've seen some of the docs on the website referring to setting up an
Eclipse / tomcat install on OS X but I gather I'll have to tinker with
this somewhat unless there are more detailed instructions I'm unaware

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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project