Visram, Kassim wrote:
hi miles--
thanks for the response
i sent an email to justin earlier today (attached) with the output of geoserver startup
and a log file)i've also just followed your suggestion and removed classes12.jar from the lib
directory and from my CLASSPATH in the startup command: /usr/java/bin/java
-DSTOP.KEY=geoserver -cp
$GEOSERVER_HOME/lib/ojdbc14.jar:$GEOSERVER_HOME/gt2-oracle-spatial-2.3.1 .jar -jar
start.jar | tee -a geoserverstart_6oct_2.txt (i'm attaching that file as well)
but still cant see Oracle Spatial in my list of available DataStorescheers
_____________________________________ ___
Ah ok...
"When you use [the -jar] option, the JAR file is the source of all user classes, and other user class path settings are ignored."
So in essence the -cp switch is being ignored in your startup command... But it should pick them up if you put them in geoserver's default lib directory anyway - "[GEOSERVER_HOME]/server/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/"
PS- Questions like this should be posted to the geoserver-users group...
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