When's the next GeoServer sprint?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael P. Gerlek <mpg@anonymised.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 9:24 AM
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2012 North American OSGeo Codesprint - sign up now!
To: OSGeo Discussions <discuss@anonymised.com>
The fourth annual North American codesprint is only 3 months away!
\*\* Space is limited, so you need to register in advance\. \*\*
The sprint will be February 5-9, 2012, at IslandWood -- a small
retreat center in the Pacific Northwest. This sprint has always
attracted a great mix of people from a number of different
OSGeo-related projects, and it serves as a great opportunity for some
dedicated face time for project collaboration, from bug stomping to
future release planning.
If you're a developer on an open source geospatial project, please
consider coming to the codesprint. You'll have some dedicated
development time for yourself, you'll be abel to work with others on
your projects, and you'll have a chance to interact with key
developers from other projects. All in the woods on a small island in
the Puget Sound.
Wiki page: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/IslandWood_Code_Sprint_2012
Contact: email mpg@anonymised.com for more info or to register.
"The Annual North American OSGeo Codesprint: iIt's just like the
FOSS4G conference, but without all the bothersome presentations and
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