[Geoserver-devel] possible bug? Missing serializer.jar in RC2?

First off, I read a few messages saying that RC3 has been installed by
a few users. Can somebody please update the download pages to include
it? I downloaded RC2.

Background: I am just playing with Geoserver to see if its suitable for

OS ==> CentOS 4.1
JDK ver ==> JDK 5.0 Update 4 with recommended ver. of JAI and Image I/O
DB ==> PostGreSQL 8.0.3 (compiled as stated in Geosrvr docs)
DB Store ==> PostGIS 1.0.3 (compiled as stated in Geosrvr docs)

Geoserver RC2 with GEOS and proj4 (Geoserver as binary, GEOS/proj4

I deleted all namespaces except for topp, added a new one.
Deleted all datastores, added a connection to my layer in PostGIS
Deleted all FeatureTypes, added from store above.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serializer/TreeWalker

when I did a Demo on getCapabilities()

Found this site which stated you should add serializer.jar, added it to
my JDK /lib/ext and also lib in Geoserver...

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