I've noticed that using a PropertyIsNotEqualTo filter ANDed to a BBOX
filter on a dataset in a GetFeature request will return no results for
features with null values for the provided attribute. For example, I
have a dataset that returns no features matching the following query:
<wfs:Query typeName="test:REF.PHOTO_POINTS">
<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:42102">
But returns features matching the following query:
<wfs:Query typeName="test:REF.PHOTO_POINTS">
<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:42102">
I would think that any PropertyIsNotEqualTo filter should return true
for those features having a null value in the queried attribute, but
this may be subject to debate. Is this behaviour by design? Note that
I haven't tested it on its own (i.e. not ANDed to a BBOX) so I don't
know under what additional circumstances the behaviour is observed, if
Thanks in advance for any info.