GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2020-08-04Attending
Andrea Aime
Ian Turton
Gabriel Roldan
Jody Garnett
Kevin Smith
Actions from last meeting:
[Done] Andrea: Ask on devel list for 2.16.5 release manager
[Done] Torben: Ask Tom again about domain name transfer
Cloud Native GeoServer
2.16.5 Release
2.18-RC release
OSGeo AGM slides
Jody: AGM slides for GT, GS and GWC
Andrea: 2.18-RC release reminder, Sept 1st
Cloud Native GeoServer
RnD into:
demo of a “microservices” approach
split into individual components without extra spring definitions
example: wms depends on wfs (for GML output format)
filesystem-less approach:
catalog change events - to drop caches etc..
jms-clustering module: considered
spring cloud bus: project wrapper around ...
Basic architecture working
Next step: going to write up docs / architecture to share
Work with community on where to work
community modules
perhaps a new repo in the geoserver github group
Q: Can spring cloud bus use aws events?
A: Perhaps:
Q: Stratus had a significant fork of GWC to store configuration into Redis?
How about this ...
A: No approach yet for GWC, focused on what could working with core OWS
Q: Web ui?
A: Thinking of using spring-session?
Note this is not enough, wicket has its own session handling, … in memory
Need to think wicket storage session, … not as easy as it seems
UI on single node: a reasonable approach …
OSGeo AGM Slides
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Thursday September 10th 2020 from 18 UTC till 20 UTC
OSGeo AGM 2020
1 min per project!
ogcapi improvements
cite test efforts, underway ....
announce cite test passing effort for … Q4?
migration os osgeo nexus repository
migration to instance
Jody: GeoServer Slides
Jody: GeoTools slides
Kevin: GeoWebCache
2.16.5 Release
Ongoing. 22.5 released.
note: No gwc changes?
Ensure GeoServer does not pick transitive dependency
Try it and double check the jars ...
2.18-RC release
Jody setup on the Release Schedule
September 1st!
note: Remove documentation assembly workarounds from release scripts now
that 2.16.x is EOL.
Cancel button is not a button? Yes it is styled like a link now on
purpose to make it more “visually distinct”
PR we want in:
[GEOS-9672] consistent use of ok and apply for WPS configuration
useful for consistent strong visual update
GeoJson cleanup? Ian is considering it
GeoTools warning cleanup? Won’t be ready in time ...
Andrea: Send a “last call” message to the email list!