[Geoserver-devel] PSC meeting notes, August 18th 2020

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2020-08-04Attending

Andrea Aime

Ian Turton

Gabriel Roldan

Jody Garnett

Kevin Smith
Actions from last meeting:


   [Done] Andrea: Ask on devel list for 2.16.5 release manager

   [Done] Torben: Ask Tom again about domain name transfer



   Cloud Native GeoServer

   2.16.5 Release

   2.18-RC release

   OSGeo AGM slides



   Jody: AGM slides for GT, GS and GWC

   Andrea: 2.18-RC release reminder, Sept 1st

Cloud Native GeoServer

RnD into:


   demo of a “microservices” approach

      split into individual components without extra spring definitions

      example: wms depends on wfs (for GML output format)


   filesystem-less approach:


   catalog change events - to drop caches etc..

      jms-clustering module: considered

      spring cloud bus: project wrapper around ...



   Basic architecture working

   Next step: going to write up docs / architecture to share

   Work with community on where to work

      community modules

      perhaps a new repo in the geoserver github group

Q: Can spring cloud bus use aws events?

A: Perhaps: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-aws/spring-cloud-aws.html

Q: Stratus had a significant fork of GWC to store configuration into Redis?
How about this ...

A: No approach yet for GWC, focused on what could working with core OWS

Q: Web ui?

A: Thinking of using spring-session?


   Note this is not enough, wicket has its own session handling, … in memory

   Need to think wicket storage session, … not as easy as it seems :stuck_out_tongue:

   UI on single node: a reasonable approach …

OSGeo AGM Slides



   Annual General Meeting (AGM)

   Thursday September 10th 2020 from 18 UTC till 20 UTC



   OSGeo AGM 2020

   1 min per project!



   ogcapi improvements

   cite test efforts, underway ....

   announce cite test passing effort for … Q4?

   migration os osgeo nexus repository

   migration to build.geoserver.org instance



   Jody: GeoServer Slides

   Jody: GeoTools slides

   Kevin: GeoWebCache

2.16.5 Release

Ongoing. 22.5 released.



   note: No gwc changes?

      Ensure GeoServer does not pick transitive dependency

      Try it and double check the jars ...

2.18-RC release

Jody setup on the Release Schedule


   September 1st!

   note: Remove documentation assembly workarounds from release scripts now
   that 2.16.x is EOL.



   Cancel button is not a button? Yes it is styled like a link now on
   purpose to make it more “visually distinct”

PR we want in:


   [GEOS-9672] consistent use of ok and apply for WPS configuration

      useful for consistent strong visual update :slight_smile:

   GeoJson cleanup? Ian is considering it

   GeoTools warning cleanup? Won’t be ready in time ...



   Andrea: Send a “last call” message to the email list!