[Geoserver-devel] PSC meeting notes, Feb 2nd 2021

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2021-02-02Attending

Torben Barsballe

Jody Garnett

Kevin Smith

Jukka Rahkonnen

Nils Bühner

Andrea Aime

Alessandro Parma

Actions from last meeting:


   [IDone] Torben: Write dependency backport details a bit more clearly in
   our developer guide



   Module graduation GSIPs

   Terrestris graduation to “experienced provider”

   Docker image

   QA effort update

   Java 11 indriya upgrade



Module graduation GSIPs



   GWC-S3: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-193

      Docs look good!

      Keep in mind download directive when migrating docs to extension.

   Params-extractor module:

      Q: Does this get added as a service page (under WMS?) or an extra tab
      on the WMS service page?
      A: Not clear for docs, … okay it shows up in settings

   Incoming: WPS download


      Discussion on download animation etc...

   Incoming: WMTS multidim:

Keep in mind:


   When graduating PR and moving docs to extension, change from
   `download_community` to `download_extension` directive (which adjusts link
   between latest/stable/maintenance), see config.py for details

OGC API Modules - Graduation Discussion (Maybe for GS 2.20?)


   How to fulfil criteria of 3 production sites?

      Waive this requirement since this is new functionality? No.

      Not many people are using these modules yet, and not in production

      Wait until someone is actually using these in production; re-evaluate
      in the future

   Clients for ogc-api-features?

      Ian started one, ogr started something ...

Terrestris graduation to “experienced provider”


   Reference: http://geoserver.org/support/

   Email: has a solid list of activities, ...

Q: What is an experienced provider?


   Jody is of the strong opinion that must contribute to sustainability
   (not only user / customer focus).

   Andrea: points out this is not clear on our website ...



   Jody: Propose clarification of definition, and contact existing
   experienced providers

Q: What contribution have they made to GeoServer / GWC or GeoTools?

Goal with experienced providers is to recognize folks that have been
through the GSIP or proposal process to contribute functionality to the
code-base (rather than just consulting on setup GeoServer and understand
how to use it).

Community module:





   Can this go to extension? No, does not really look maintained. See


https://www.terrestris.de/en/openstreetmap-wms/ demo?


   502 Bad Gateway!

   Aside: This would be great opportunity for osgeo.org website (which
   needs a map done by osgeo software)

Q: Can bug fixes count?

Perhaps … links?

Q: Security maintenance signup?

Yep that is a solid

Docker image updates

Two PRs for docker image, how do we want to continue?

Different focuses, dockerfile to extend adjust vs docker image to use right

Q: Maybe it’s possible to merge them?


   Perhaps as a build option?

Please start with one, and ship to the public!


   And then improve over time :slight_smile:

   March 1st Release Candidate ← opportunity !



   Discuss on pull request, or issue

   Perhaps make a wiki page or github issue to compare the two approaches

      Docker wiki page is empty : https://github.com/geoserver/docker/wiki

QA effort update

gt-http client is merged (yay) so pmd fixes can go ahead…


   1000+ files modified <https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/3311&gt;,
   merged yesterday :slight_smile:

   Varargs: https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/3317

      We have very few array of primitives (only real problem around)

      Jody really likes the readability / usability improvement here

   anonymous inner class migration to lambdas:

      Mixed: when it is good it is good, when it is bad it is confusing

         Feature visitors is much better

         File filters / filename filters / Runnables also great

         Wicket tend to almost more confusing
         Bradh: This looks like it never worked :slight_smile:

Two modules removed:






   gt-graph was a lot of work to update, is it still used now that
   gt-validation is removed? …

      Graph visitors look better with lambdas

Java 11 indriya upgrade

This work can be done, .. but is hard to find time.




      Fixe is merged, waiting on release

   These unit libraries are not always setup to be extended (why not?)

To prevent this kind of error, can we set up java 11 docs to use the module


   This would catch most of the problems?

   Maven “toolchains” can also be setup to run tests with different JDK
   versions in a single build

