Hi list, and especially Simone
I got geoserver-wcs-merge up and running, but now I'd like to use/try your new pyramidBuilder. I don's succeed in getting it running. Actually, I must say it is probably 1: I am relatively new to java, and especially to large projects like geotools and geoserver, 2: I used to develop java with netbeans, not eclipse...
So I tried to set up eclipse and get geotools into it, which worked out OK after some time (I think). I basically did an mvn eclipse:eclipse, which allowed me to import almost everything geotools into eclipse directly. But I don't succeed in doing anything with the pyramidBuilder, or any of the other coverage tools. NB these are from geotools-2.3.x snapshot. Could you or someone else give me a hint how to procede? I'll be back on this next monday, I'll keep you and the list informed on the progress.
Btw another but related question: will the imagemosaic plugin automatically find and use any embedded overviews/pyramids in geotiff files in the mosaic? And what if they are not embedded but provided as accompanying .ovr files? That would save me from using the pyramidBuilder...