[Geoserver-devel] R: Geoserver Enterprise

I read the transcript from yesterday's IRC meeting. Sorry we couldnt

I'm sorry, because we probably didn't advertised the IRC enough...

For the last 2 weeks, I have been in Victoria talking with the two new
TOPP employees (Brent Owens and Justin Deoliveira).

We have been discussing a large number of topics, but one of the major
discussions has been on the Geoserver Enterprise Edition.

This is basically a new plug-in and extension-point based system for
doing Geo-based web application (including things like WFS and WMS and
WCS). And "customizing" existing applications. For example, the SIS
stuff "plugging in" to WFS, and geo-wiki things. The new Enterprise
edition will take geoserver from an application to a platform for
developing and customizing web-based geo-applications.

We have discussed how we would provide services for most of
what's been
talked about on the mailing list and the few IRC meetings. I think
you're going to be very excited about it. We are going to
write up our
ideas for next week and hope to get some feedback from you.

Great!!! I'll wait to see what you came up with with much interest!!!


      Bye Paolo

ps. from the last meeting, it appears the "data/catalog"
portion of the
framework will be somewhat like an expanded "DataEngine" (from the IRC

I feel this is fundamental, so I'm happy to know we're quite tuned on it!!!
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We are in the process of putting up some wiki space dedicated to the design. It would be nice to start refining some of the great discussions that have been going on with OpenSDI and some of things you guys have been doing over the last little while into a architecure and high level design.


P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente wrote:

I read the transcript from yesterday's IRC meeting. Sorry we couldnt

I'm sorry, because we probably didn't advertised the IRC enough...

For the last 2 weeks, I have been in Victoria talking with the two new
TOPP employees (Brent Owens and Justin Deoliveira).

We have been discussing a large number of topics, but one of the major
discussions has been on the Geoserver Enterprise Edition.

This is basically a new plug-in and extension-point based system for
doing Geo-based web application (including things like WFS and WMS and
WCS). And "customizing" existing applications. For example, the SIS
stuff "plugging in" to WFS, and geo-wiki things. The new Enterprise
edition will take geoserver from an application to a platform for
developing and customizing web-based geo-applications.

We have discussed how we would provide services for most of what's been
talked about on the mailing list and the few IRC meetings. I think
you're going to be very excited about it. We are going to write up our
ideas for next week and hope to get some feedback from you.

Great!!! I'll wait to see what you came up with with much interest!!!


      Bye Paolo

ps. from the last meeting, it appears the "data/catalog" portion of the
framework will be somewhat like an expanded "DataEngine" (from the IRC

I feel this is fundamental, so I'm happy to know we're quite tuned on it!!!
AVVERTENZE AI SENSI DEL D. LGS. 196/2003 Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o nel/i
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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project