Ciao Vincent,
sorry to answer with such a delay, but we are quite busy these days.
This email is of interest for anybody who's interested in styling
coverage using a WMS+SLD with RasterSymbolizer
Please, read below.
On 1/9/07, Vincent Schut <> wrote:
Hi all,
I am encountering problems when trying to apply an sld with
rastersymbolizer to my coverages. It's a bit hard to really find out
what is wrong, but it seems styling does not like geotiffs (or vice
versa). I'll try to give a summary of what I tried and hope it rings a
bell somewhere...- Applying a style (like dem.sld, raster.sld, or a customized version of
one of those) *does* work on the supplied gtopo30 sample raster;
I confirm that :-).
- Applying a style (idem) on my custom coverage does *not* work; the
raster gets rendered in grayscale, whatever I try. This raster is a
single band, tiled, Int32 geotiff, no colortable;
- Applying a style (idem) on a geotiff version (non-tiled, uint16, 1
band, no colortable) of the gtopo30_sample (created with gdal_translate)
does *not* work, neither does a baseline tiff with tfw file version;
- Applying a style to a fresh copy of the gtopo30 sample dataset
(created new dir with these files, created new coverageDataset, create
new Coverage) *does* work;This is what I could think of to narrow down the problem, and leads me
to the following conclusion: styling does not work for tiff files. I
might be wrong and it sounds kind of illogical (why would it not work
for tiffs, but work for gtopo30 rasters, while I suppose that the
rendering chain is basically the same except for the file reader...),
but I have no idea how to investigate this any further. So I hope some
of the imaging/wcs guru's can shed some light on this (and fix it, I
hope :)).
<<Where we are now>>
Ok, here is where we are with raster symbolizer.
Honestly, the actual support for SLD+RasterSymbolizer is quite poor.
It came out as a quick (real quick) hack for a live demonstration we
had to give back in April 2006 and it was tested only on a few
sources, between the others gtopo30 (data type SHORT) and arcgrid
(data type FLOAT). Hence no surprises it does not do his job on some
different data types.
<<Where we want to go>>
We are putting together in the background some test-cases in order to
improve the RasterSymbolizer support. We aim to implement most part of
what's in the SLD specification, even if the minimum goal is to have
channel selection and color map working on most Java datatypes (int,
float, short. byte).
About timing:
I am willing to put on this a certain amount of volunteering time
(well, to be honest we are already doing the preparation work in the
background as a volunteer effort we already have some the ColorMap SLD
thing pretty much working).
I have seen various people active on the mailing list and interested
in this feature. So my idea/wish/suggestion is why don't we do
something like I have seen doing on other OS projects and we launch
like a sponsorship program for needs like this?
This could be an interesting test-case. There would be a proposal for
an implementation and there would people could act as sponsorship
giving some money, or giving some help with developing and or testing.
This should allow us to achieve more for the projects in a more
controlled fashion and hopefully in less time than having sparse
separate efforts.
What do people think about this? Am I completely crazy?
Some additional info: using sun jdk 1.5.0-09, jai and jai-imageio from
cvs (synced yesterday), geotools (2.3.x branch) from svn (yesterday),
geoserver svn trunk from yesterday, deployed in tomcat-5.5.Cheers from a bit desparate Vincent (I /do/ need raster styling...).
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Eng. Simone Giannecchini
President /CEO GeoSolutions