Hi Andrea,
This is great, it hits all the high points of what needs to happen quite well. A couple of comments.
The first is about how to acheive the dependency management among modules, ike you have said before Spring wont really do this for you. From what I understand its not possible to declare dependencies among contexts?
I attempted (not sure how well it worked) to acheive this at build time with maven. With maven 2 and transitive dependencies this solution gets a bit nicer. What are your thoughts about how you see this working. Is declaring dependencies at build time going to be enough?
Second is more on the management side. In my recent experiences with GeoServer 1.4.x and Geotools FM I have learned that dont like change :), at least not change on this scale. Which is understandable. And its always hard to convince the people who pay salaries that this type of thing is actually worth it. What would be nice is if we came up with a gradual transition strategy in which we could tie individual portions of the work to projects that people actually do care about. For instance a lot of this has to happen in order for the SA project to fly, but I am not sure how much of it.
Thanks for the hard work, this is going ot be a lot easer to explain to people with this document around.
Andrea Aime (SATA) wrote:
I've just written a document that explains how we could use Spring
and what advantages we would get by using it, along with a modules proposal
on http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOSDEV/Spring+proposal.It would be very nice if people could read, evaluate, discuss, fix, comment it,
even on here on the mailing list.Cheers
Andrea Aime
Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project