ouch! disregard the previous message, this is the one I wanted to send to the
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: ArcSDE permission
Date: Tuesday 13 September 2005 19:39
From: Gabriel Roldán <groldan@anonymised.com>
To: Lena Pahl <Lena.Pahl@anonymised.com>
Hi Lena,
sorry for the late response.
Googling a bit for your error message shows up that it is a known error in
ArcSDE 8.x Java API.
Your version of geoserver (1.2.4) uses that old API, so I'm pretty positive
that your problems will be thrown away if you just upgrate to geoserver
1.3.0, which already contains the latest ArcSDE java api.
let me know if that solves the problem.
On Monday 12 September 2005 13:58, Lena Pahl wrote:
Hi Gabriel!
Sorry for posting directly to your email adress. Did you get my last email?
I enclose it again for you. Do you have any ideas what the problem might
be? Or do you have any hints what else I could try? I would like to use
WFSDataStore to connect to ArcSDE. How do you make sure to have permission
to do transactions? Muchas gracias for your help and time!
Concerning the WFSDataStore: I always get the "NO PERMISSION TO PERFORM
OPERATION" error, nomatter if I leave out "map.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.USERNAME,"user");
map.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.PASSWORD,"pwd");" or not.
I'm using ArcSDE 8.2 and Oracle8. The Geotools version is 2.1 and GeoServer
1.2.4 Inserts and Modifying do not work. When I try to insert I get this
output/error:07.09.2005 09:56:44 org.geotools.data.arcsde.ConnectionConfig checkParams
WARNUNG: No database name specified
07.09.2005 09:56:45
ArcSDE configuration info:
*** ArcSDE Server info: ****Server name: chekov
ArcSDE version: 8.2.0 - Oracle8i Build 1057 Wed Mar 6 09:48:05 PST 2002
Accepting connections: true
Blocking connections: false
---- Instance configuration: ----
Instance is read-only: false
Home path: C:\arcgis\ArcSDE\ora8iexe
Log path: UNUSED
Max. connections: 64
Max. layers: 500
Max. streams: 25 (maximum number of streams allowed by the ArcSde instance)
Stream pool size: 3 (maximum number of streams allowed in a native pool.)
07.09.2005 09:56:49 org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEAdapter parseCRS
INFO: About to parse CRS for layer FLURSTUECKE_1:PROJCS["Germany_Zone_3",GEOGCS["GCS_Deutsche_Hauptdreiecksnetz",DATUM["D_De
07.09.2005 09:56:49 org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEAdapter parseCRS
INFO: Se CRS envelope:
(3535987.952702,5800565.866202,3544577.88729,5809155.80079) 07.09.2005
09:56:50 org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEAdapter parseCRS INFO: About to
parse CRS for layer FLURSTUECKE_1:PROJCS["Germany_Zone_3",GEOGCS["GCS_Deutsche_Hauptdreiecksnetz",DATUM["D_De
07.09.2005 09:56:50 org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEAdapter parseCRS
INFO: Se CRS envelope:
(3535987.952702,5800565.866202,3544577.88729,5809155.80079) 07.09.2005
09:56:50 org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEFeatureWriter write WARNUNG:
at com.esri.sde.sdk.client.j.a(Unknown Source)
at com.esri.sde.sdk.client.j.a(Unknown Source)
at com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeInsert.intoTable(Unknown Source)
org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEFeatureWriter.write(ArcSDEFeatureWriter.java:267) at
a:224) at ArcSDETest1.main(ArcSDETest1.java:88)
org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEFeatureWriter.write(ArcSDEFeatureWriter.java:312) at
a:224) at ArcSDETest1.main(ArcSDETest1.java:88)
Caused by: com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeException:
at com.esri.sde.sdk.client.j.a(Unknown Source)
at com.esri.sde.sdk.client.j.a(Unknown Source)
at com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeInsert.intoTable(Unknown Source)
org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEFeatureWriter.write(ArcSDEFeatureWriter.java:267) ... 2 more
Kind regards,
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