Well, actually they shouldn't be in the data_directory, as these are the things that won't work since it's html, and we haven't been able to figure out how to get it reflect. They should be included in the download, directly in the servlet container, not the data_directory, and I'm pretty sure they usually work fine.
Brent Owens wrote:
It appears those haven't changed to reflect the new data_directory format. I believe they were working, but the change got lost. I will make sure it gets in for next release.
Brent Owens
(The Open Planning Project)
Brown, Jeff (C2MS) wrote:
I have downloaded and installed geoserver correctly and working through the Quickstart guide.
When I try to run _http://localhost:8080/geoserver/data/mbdemos/demo/wfs-t/index.html_ or _http://localhost:8080/geoserver/data/demo/popup_map/index.html_, I get:
*HTTP ERROR: 404 Not Found*
*HTTP ERROR: 404 Not Found*
respectively. What's wrong?
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Geoserver-users mailing list
Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
thoughts at: http://cholmes.wordpress.com
yep, you're right Chris. I think they just got put in the wrong spot.
As for the next release Jeff, hopefully within the next 3 weeks. I will come up with a temporary fix for you today if possible.
Brent Owens
(The Open Planning Project)
Chris Holmes wrote:
Well, actually they shouldn't be in the data_directory, as these are the things that won't work since it's html, and we haven't been able to figure out how to get it reflect. They should be included in the download, directly in the servlet container, not the data_directory, and I'm pretty sure they usually work fine.
Brent Owens wrote:
It appears those haven't changed to reflect the new data_directory format. I believe they were working, but the change got lost. I will make sure it gets in for next release.
Brent Owens
(The Open Planning Project)
Brown, Jeff (C2MS) wrote:
I have downloaded and installed geoserver correctly and working through the Quickstart guide.
When I try to run _http://localhost:8080/geoserver/data/mbdemos/demo/wfs-t/index.html_ or _http://localhost:8080/geoserver/data/demo/popup_map/index.html_, I get:
*HTTP ERROR: 404 Not Found*
*HTTP ERROR: 404 Not Found*
respectively. What's wrong?
This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding territory!
Geoserver-users mailing list
Hi ! ...I'm Jose. I'm working on a project on which i wanted to mix different technologies to create a Rich Internet Client for WMS and WFS. As i have used Laszlo once in other project, and it results a good option (and better now that you can create ONE lzx source code, getting DHTML and Flash outputs for it...) i used it for creating a reduced WMS client (...now i have my client working on flash, accesing the demo server from geoserver...WFS will come! step by step).
As i said, i want to create a RIA client for WMS and WFS, so i expect to include more features on next weeks...for now, you can test the demo on:
(dont try to see the layers list....i'm working on it... ).
My intentions are to develop this project as an OpenSource project, so i've create a project called GeoAr on SourceForge
(next weeks i'm going to design some pages for it)
Thats all the news for now. I'm ansious expecting your comments, suggestions, etc for doing this job really interesting and useful for all the community.
See you soon
José Macchi
PD: Sorry about my poor english.....;-).
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! ¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
Hi José,
It is great news you're working on such a client. I was waiting for the time
to do that from a time ago, indeed I made an exploring prototype using laszlo
and found it pretty straight forward and a lot of fun.
Feel free to ask any question, personally I am interested and willing to help
you on whatever you need, and sure the other people in the community are too.
btw, where are softwaredelcentro located in argentina? glad you people are
embracing the open source gis!
best regards,
On Tuesday 25 April 2006 02:05, José Macchi wrote:
Hi ! ...I'm Jose. I'm working on a project on which i wanted to mix
different technologies to create a Rich Internet Client for WMS and WFS.
As i have used Laszlo once in other project, and it results a good
option (and better now that you can create ONE lzx source code, getting
DHTML and Flash outputs for it...) i used it for creating a reduced WMS
client (...now i have my client working on flash, accesing the demo
server from geoserver...WFS will come! step by step).
As i said, i want to create a RIA client for WMS and WFS, so i expect to
include more features on next weeks...for now, you can test the demo on:
ar.html (dont try to see the layers list....i'm working on it... ).
My intentions are to develop this project as an OpenSource project, so
i've create a project called GeoAr on SourceForge
(next weeks i'm going to design some pages for it)
Thats all the news for now. I'm ansious expecting your comments,
suggestions, etc for doing this job really interesting and useful for
all the community.
See you soon
José Macchi
PD: Sorry about my poor english.....;-).
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis!
¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
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Geoserver-devel mailing list
Gabriel Roldán (groldan@anonymised.com)
Axios Engineering (http://www.axios.es)
Tel. +34 944 41 63 84
Fax. +34 944 41 64 90
Thanks Gabriel....yes, we are located in Tandil, Argentina.
May be the version, that you have seen, have its limitations, but i'm working on it all day (i have to get a functional version in next months !!!, so...wait and you will have results.... ).
...keep in contact .....and thanks again
Gabriel Roldán wrote:
Hi José,
It is great news you're working on such a client. I was waiting for the time to do that from a time ago, indeed I made an exploring prototype using laszlo and found it pretty straight forward and a lot of fun.
Feel free to ask any question, personally I am interested and willing to help you on whatever you need, and sure the other people in the community are too.
btw, where are softwaredelcentro located in argentina? glad you people are embracing the open source gis!
best regards,
On Tuesday 25 April 2006 02:05, José Macchi wrote:
Hi ! ...I'm Jose. I'm working on a project on which i wanted to mix
different technologies to create a Rich Internet Client for WMS and WFS.
As i have used Laszlo once in other project, and it results a good
option (and better now that you can create ONE lzx source code, getting
DHTML and Flash outputs for it...) i used it for creating a reduced WMS
client (...now i have my client working on flash, accesing the demo
server from geoserver...WFS will come! step by step).
As i said, i want to create a RIA client for WMS and WFS, so i expect to
include more features on next weeks...for now, you can test the demo on:
ar.html (dont try to see the layers list....i'm working on it... ).
My intentions are to develop this project as an OpenSource project, so
i've create a project called GeoAr on SourceForge
(next weeks i'm going to design some pages for it)
Thats all the news for now. I'm ansious expecting your comments,
suggestions, etc for doing this job really interesting and useful for
all the community.
See you soon
José Macchi
PD: Sorry about my poor english.....;-).
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis!
¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
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Geoserver-devel mailing list
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! ¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
Hi.....i have a question, may be someone could help me:
how do you configure the SRS list that return the GetCapabilities service ??? (the default instalation of geoserver returns a XML where you get a list of ALL the SRS avaiable).
and how about LatLonBoundingBox from the entire map ?....(by default returns minx="-180.0" miny="-90.0" maxx="180.0" maxy="90.0")
I know that is possible that these options doesnt appear in the Admin Tool...but how about touching the XML config files ?? is it possible to do what i want ?
thanks in advance....
see ya
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! ¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
Hello Jose:
how do you configure the SRS list that return the GetCapabilities
service ??? (the default instalation of geoserver returns a XML where
you get a list of ALL the SRS avaiable).
1. Determine the method which your Geoserver installation uses for
storing the SRS list. It can be using either the epsg.properties file
or the HSQL database. Example:
jar tvf tmp/geoserver/server/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/gt2-epsg.jar
0 Fri Apr 14 12:16:36 MDT 2006 META-INF/
398 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
0 Fri Apr 14 12:16:36 MDT 2006 META-INF/services/
0 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006 org/
0 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006 org/geotools/
0 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006 org/geotools/referencing/
0 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006 org/geotools/referencing/factory/
0 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006 org/geotools/referencing/factory/epsg/
54 Fri Apr 14 12:16:36 MDT 2006
3725 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006
3655565 Fri Apr 14 12:16:36 MDT 2006
2164 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006
6434 Fri Apr 14 12:16:34 MDT 2006
2197 Tue Mar 14 10:44:52 MST 2006 META-INF/LICENSE.txt
The gt2-epsg.jar in my case is using an HSQL database.
2. Once you determine what is in your gt2-epsg.jar, use the steps for
the appropriate method
as described in the wiki:
and how about LatLonBoundingBox from the entire map ?....(by default
returns minx="-180.0" miny="-90.0" maxx="180.0" maxy="90.0")
I know that is possible that these options doesnt appear in the Admin
Tool...but how about touching the XML config files ?? is it possible to
do what i want ?
That sounds reasonable--you can edit the xml files to customize.
José Macchi wrote:
Hi.....i have a question, may be someone could help me:
how do you configure the SRS list that return the GetCapabilities service ??? (the default instalation of geoserver returns a XML where you get a list of ALL the SRS avaiable).
Right now there's no way in the config to slim this down. The one thing you could do is include a epsg database that only contains the ones you want. I'm not sure how to do this offhand, as it's _really_ hacky.
Why do you want to do this? If you're writing a client you can pretty easily have it parse it, or just look for the one you want? Our thought is generally that a client should be able to handle this.
and how about LatLonBoundingBox from the entire map ?....(by default returns minx="-180.0" miny="-90.0" maxx="180.0" maxy="90.0")
If you hit 'generate bbox' button on the featureType config you should be able to have it return the latlon box for the data in the map. Or you could change the values of it to what you want, like don't use the generate box.
I know that is possible that these options doesnt appear in the Admin Tool...but how about touching the XML config files ?? is it possible to do what i want ?
thanks in advance....
see ya
Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! ¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar
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Geoserver-devel mailing list
Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project