[Geoserver-devel] Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Re: [Geoserver-users] Limit Size Of Polygons

Hi Lena,

This is a good question, and the answer is you cant really, yet. However the work to be able to do this has been going on a geoserver branch. Check out http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/Experimental (Complex Data Store).

Merging this work into geotools / geoserver is going to be the priority of the geoserver 1.4.x stream of development.


Lena Pahl wrote:

Yeah, you're right - it's not that large. I'll try to track down the problem. Though it seemed to me that the size of the geometry is an issue. Maybe it's in Geotools. I'll email as soon as I find out.
Can I ask another question? How do I union - let's say 2 features - using GeoServer? How does that work in Geotools? Thanks!

Justin Deoliveira <jdeolive@anonymised.com> schrieb am 12.01.06 20:03:32:

Hi Lena,

170 coordinates isn't that large, shouldn't be a resource problem at all. Something else must be going wrong.


Lena Pahl wrote:

Hi Justin!
I encoutered problems with a polygon of 170 coordinates. I didn't have any trouble dealing with a feature polygon of 70 nodes.

Justin Deoliveira <jdeolive@anonymised.com> schrieb am 11.01.06 19:43:14:

I would think the only limit is memory, it could be that your polygon has so many coordinates that you are running out of memory. Do you have any idea of how many coordinates your polygon has?

Lena Pahl wrote:

I don't know if my problem is related to GeoServer or Geotools so I'm posting this to both lists...
Is there a known limitation to the number of nodes/points that a multipolygon can have? I was wondering - because sometimes when I insert features with large geometries into ArcSDE using GeoServer those features cannot be deleted anymore. Querying works fine though..
Did anybody have that experience? How many points can a multipolygon/polygon have anyways? Any help is highly apreciated... Thanks!
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