[Geoserver-devel] Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Sorting queries on DataStore

A similar set of ideas have been going around the Geoserver list (ccd).
The solution is documented in the new Filter1.1 spec, and Chris Holmes
(ccd) is looking into this.

Hope this helps,


On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 06:43, Paolo Rizzi wrote:

Hi all,
it seems to be no way to specify an ordering for features returned
by a query to a DataStore.
Maybe it's because ordering is not supported in WFS either...

Is there any prevision of implementing it in GeoTools any time soon???

If not, I found these possible solutions / workarounds:
.) Create an ordered view in the RDBMS and query that (CONS: don't like it).

.) Create a WrappingDataStore capable of sorting features from a wrappee
(CONS: it's a waste of resource, since the RDBMS can sort on its own).

.) Patching XXXDataStore (for me it will be PostgisDataStore) to interpret
special "ordering" Filters putting them into an "ORDER BY" clause instead
that into the "WHERE". (CONS: it'll work only with "patched" DataStores).

Does anyone has any idea on this matter???

Paolo Rizzi

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