[Geoserver-devel] Re: HSQL

I really don't know this stuff well, talk to Jody, I think he knows how to
integrate with GeoServer. What I think I would ideally like (though this
may be a bit off), is if GeoServer came with an initial WKT file with just
a few common WKT definitions. We could then allow advanced users to
modify that file if they know what coordinate systems they need/want for
their GeoServer install. People could also download the hsql or the big
wkt jar, which would contain all definitions. We maybe should also put
on some UI for people to select which ones they want to show up in the
capabilities document for available transformations, since listing every
single one might be a bit extreme.

If we get fancy what would be really nice is to have an online repository
of all the definitions, and then users could select which ones they want
in their wkt file, and have a seamless ui where they just select from a
bit list, and it downloads and adds the wkt to their file.

After the next release I'll try to get up to speed on all of this so I can
help out. But I'm not sure that I want an extra mandatory few hundred
kilobytes in geoserver of just for the crs definitions, and I think we can
figure out a good way to make it more flexible.


On Sat, 5 Jun 2004, Richard didier wrote:

Le Jeudi 3 Juin 2004 10:07, Martin Desruisseaux a écrit :
> Just for information: does anyone tried the other path: provides the
> EPSG database as an embeded database (using HSQL or something like
> that)? See:
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-46
> It would contains much more informations with less space than WKT, and
> may use less memory as well. The implementation in ext/reprojection read
> the full property file; it is not going to scale a lot (there is more
> than 3000 CRS in the EPSG database). The implementation backed by a
> database engine (currently available in Geotools) read only the needed
> informations.

Hi Martin, Chris,

I have just tested import of the SQL scripts I prepared for geotools in order
to import EPSG v6.5 into postgreSQL, using the HSQL DatabaseManager. I have
modified the SQL scripts in order to get them into the HSQLDB (see attached
document EPSG_v65_4_HSQL.tgz).

With regard to jira GEOT-46, the first point seems to be addressed : the
structure is the same as the one for postgreSQL. Does it mean the second
point is covered by the CoordinateSystemModifiedEPSGFactory class (as for
postgreSQL) ?
For the third point, i have stored the previous scripts into a HSQL database
we have got the answer (by running DDL, DML and DLL2 scripts) (see attachment

I will try testing axion (http://axion.tigris.org/) as soon as possible.


