Attached is a screen grab of what this looks like. You can see the
topp:states (upper-left), cite:* (in the middle around 0,0) and tasmania
(lower-right), zooming in on these areas shows more detail. The map extent
is automatically set from the capabilities document.
I implemented it as a new struts tile-def so it could also go in any of the
pages. Perhaps the struts experts can tell me if I missed anything, here is
what I did:
- added a file WEB-INF/pages/mapDisplay.jsp
- added this to the sidebar definition for .mainLayout in
- modify mainLayout.jsp to: include the mapbuilder.js file, set the
mapbuilder config file and call the body onload function
- added a config file for this at data/mbdemos/geoserverSimple.xml
This will also need an update of the mabuilder lib. Are you planning to
keep the mapbuilder lib as part of the geoserver dist? It can also be a
separate war file but then there would be a dependency. This will affect
how URLs to the library and config file are coded.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Holmes []
Sent: May 21, 2005 5:52 PM
To: Adair, Mike
Cc: ''; 'Shorter,
Cameron';; David Blasby
Subject: RE: [Mapbuilder-devel] Caps document to configure?Awesome, this will be great.
I would definitely like a full page with a bigger map and
editing options. Indeed I think it should probably replace
our current 'demo'
page, and move that one to demo requests or something.
Indeed it's almost tempting to have the full map page on the
'welcome' page instead of our reportings of the capability
document urls. As soon as a user fires up GeoServer she can
start browsing the sample maps.Also would be cool when your catalog widget is done to give
people a demo they can play with by searching for and adding
other wms/wfs servers to their layers.But yes, I'm very excited about this. Looks like it'll miss
beta4, but will be a nice new feature for rc1.Chris
Quoting "Adair, Mike" <>:
> Hi,
> I've got a mapbuilder configuration which will read in a WMS caps
> document and convert that to a context to show as a map.
> I've never worked with struts before, but I think I've
managed to hack
> in a little map in the Geoserver sidebar that updates
automatically as
> you add/delete/modify data in geoserver config. I tried deleting a
> data store, and then adding it back, and the map changed
> at every step. I would attach a screen grab but the
security settings
> on my mail client are preventing that.
> We could probably also put together a full page to edit the
> context doc (turn layers on/off/delete, reorder layers, etc.)
> Let me know if this would be useful and I can provide the changes,
> (probably not until Monday though).
> Mike