[Geoserver-devel] Re: Problems with geotools

Hi Philppe:
I am passing you over to the GeoServer project lead Dave Blasby. Last month I would have been able to flat out say "you need a wms client". But I think a recent release of GeoServer has started to include a primitive one. Dave will be able to fill you in on the details (or point you to the announcement page).

I know there are several commerical offerings based on J2EE for example. And lots of PHP implementations with javascript. There is no clear leader in this space (yet). GeoServer is simply a server that will renderer the pictures- you will still need client software to let the user request the pictures.

I have been working on a desktop client: http://udig.refractions.net/ but it sounds like you are looking for a web based solution.

Philippe Gondek wrote:


I'm Philippe Gondek, a student from Liege in Belgium. I have any
problems with geoserver and it appears your name come back frequently
on the web when I search some documentations. If you can help me, it
will be fine...

I want to have a jsp that connect to PostGIS and show a picture
rendered with geoserver.

I work with a gentoo(linux), I have already installed
PostgreSql/PostGis, Tomcat, Geoserver with the .war file. But for JAI,
I have tryed any solutions without success.

Is it possible, to help me? I hope... Do you have any practical
step-by-step or a good documentation? If you have an example of jsp
that works with geoserver and PostGis, it will be verry nice to!

I'm hope you can help me, because I don't know if I can anything else...

Philippe Gondek

Philippe Gondek wrote:

Hi Jody,

I made a mistake in the subject of my last mail. I said I had a
problem with getools, in fact it was with geoserver...

Now, I have another question. Is it possible to have a jsp that show a
map calculating by a server and when the data are on a postgis

I see now GeoTools, it looks to do that but I'm not sure. I follow
this way... I'll see...

But if you have an answer to my first question... I would like to know
if it is possible to show a map in a jsp calculating on a server with
data from a postis database...

Yes - it is possible here is the intended workflow:

PostGIS holds your data for ...
the Geotools DataStore which provides Features for ...
the GeoServer Web Map Server getMap request that draws a map for ....
any Web Map Server Client "X"

"X" is a client. There are several avaialble. GeoServer had an anouncement recently about a Servlet based client (or was it JSP based?).

The GeoServer list will know more ...

Can anyone tell me the projections expecifications for more than those three above ?

PROJCS[“DHDN / Gauss-Kruger Zone 3”, GEOGCS[“DHDN”, DATUM[“Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz”, SPHEROID[“Bessel 1841”, 6377397.155, 299.1528128, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“7004”]], TOWGS84[598.1, 73.7, 418.2, 0.2019999999999998, 0.04499999999999995, -2.4549999999999974, 6.7], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“6314”]], PRIMEM[“Greenwich”, 0.0, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“8901”]], UNIT[“degree of angle”,0.017453292519943295], AXIS[“Geodetic longitude”,EAST], AXIS[“Geodetic latitude”,NORTH], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“4314”]], PROJECTION[“Transverse_Mercator”], PARAMETER[“semi_major”, 6377397.155], PARAMETER[“semi_minor”, 6356078.962818189], PARAMETER[“central_meridian”, 8.999999999999991], PARAMETER[“latitude_of_origin”, 0.0], PARAMETER[“scale_factor”, 1.0], PARAMETER[“false_easting”, 3500000.0], PARAMETER[“false_northing”, 0.0], UNIT[“metre”,1.0], AXIS[“Easting”,EAST], AXIS[“Northing”,NORTH], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“31467”]]

PROJCS["DHDN / Gauss-Kruger Zone 4 “, GEOGCS[” DHDN “, DATUM[” Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz “, SPHEROID[” Bessel 1841 “, 6377397.155, 299.1528128, AUTHORITY[” EPSG “,” 7004 “]], TOWGS84[598.1, 73.7, 418.2, 0.2019999999999998, 0.04499999999999995, -2.4549999999999974, 6.7], AUTHORITY[” EPSG “,” 6314 “]], PRIMEM[” Greenwich “, 0.0, AUTHORITY[” EPSG “,” 8901 “]], UNIT[” degree of angle “,0.017453292519943295], AXIS[” Geodetic latitude “,NORTH], AXIS[” Geodetic longitude “,EAST], AUTHORITY[” EPSG “,” 4314 “]], PROJECTION[” Transverse_Mercator “], PARAMETER[” semi_major “, 6377397.155], PARAMETER[” semi_minor “, 6356078.962818189], PARAMETER[” central_meridian “, 11.999999999999988], PARAMETER[” latitude_of_origin “, 0.0], PARAMETER[” scale_factor “, 1.0], PARAMETER[” false_easting “, 4500000.0], PARAMETER[” false_northing “, 0.0], UNIT[” metre “,1.0], AXIS[” Easting “,EAST], AXIS[” Northing “,NORTH], AUTHORITY[” EPSG “,” 31468 "]]

GEOGCS[“WGS 84”, DATUM[“World Geodetic System 1984”, SPHEROID[“WGS 84”, 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“7030”]], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“6326”]], PRIMEM[“Greenwich”, 0.0, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“8901”]], UNIT[“degree of angle”,0.017453292519943295], AXIS[“Geodetic longitude”,EAST], AXIS[“Geodetic latitude”,NORTH], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“4326”]]

I would like to know how to find it on Geotools library.

My Best Regards
Ezequias Rocha

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