it seems we got to a point where we can release GeoServer 1.6.0
The trouble is, this must be accompanied by gt2 2.4.0 and there
is still the referencing factories proposed change on the hook: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/ReferencingFactoryFinder+incompatible+change
I've casted my vote on the ml, but it seems the rest of the PMC
is not acting on it. Maybe we should move the ml voting on
gt2-admin so that everyone feels compelled to cast a vote on it?
Or we do modify the wiki page directly? (codehaus is not answering me
so I cannot really check the page contents)
I have been silent on this issue (I didn't brough it to latest IRC) because even
if we had a +1 from everyone, it would be difficult for me to implement it right
now, because of time constraint...
Will try to see how far I can go with my IFREMER work (one month late) today and
give more news tomorrow.
it seems we got to a point where we can release GeoServer 1.6.0
The trouble is, this must be accompanied by gt2 2.4.0 and there
is still the referencing factories proposed change on the hook: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/ReferencingFactoryFinder+incompatible+change
I've casted my vote on the ml, but it seems the rest of the PMC
is not acting on it.
I was not aware it was up for vote (I asked a few days ago)?
Maybe we should move the ml voting on
gt2-admin so that everyone feels compelled to cast a vote on it?
Good thought lets punt those messages to gt2-admin...
Or we do modify the wiki page directly? (codehaus is not answering me
so I cannot really check the page contents)
After the votes have been given we can update the wiki page and move it over to the correct release (2.4.x I think?). You will notice the "getInfo proposal" has been updated and moved as of monday's irc.