[Geoserver-devel] reminder: 2.6-beta preflight testing issues


Add to the list the problem with installing from “Platform Independent Binary” on Windows. There are 2 issues:

  • installation into Program Files does not work → document it for the users

  • batch file tries to find jre from JAVA_HOME environment variable but it is usually not set and startup fails → document that users must explicitly set JAVA_HOME by editing startup.bat or consider better using automatic jre recognition, see http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.geoserver.devel/26609

-Jukka Rahkonen-


Jody Garnett wrote:

A quick pass through email resulted in the following:

I thought some progress had been made on the use of OL3 …

Website: A reminder that we no longer need to upload the src archive, and it no longer linked to from the release_26 template. I set up templates for release_25 and release_26 allowing us to maintain links to previous source forge source downloads.

Jody Garnett