[Geoserver-devel] ResourceStore refactorings

Hi Jody.

since my suggestions about the Resource API have been accepted now, I think about all the other ideas on my mind.

But it is not a big shot to change the API in general. Most of them are just improvements to reduce boilerplate code.

So instead of creating an extensive GSIP I may just continue to propose further concise PRs instead.

And I’m still about to get the full picture.

I analyzed all the commits to FileSystemResourceStore to get a better understanding about the problems raised in the past.

And I just found some additional Wiki pages beside GSIP-106 itself.

I’m still unhappy with both ResourceAdaptor implementations from Files and FileSystemResourceStore.

As I understand it, Files.ResourceAdaptor was a quick and easy replacement of File, and only files, not directories.

This, however changed with Resources: support directories (7.10.2015) when both implementations became nearly the same.

Unfortunately, all upcoming fixes went into FileSystemResourceStore.ResourceAdaptor only, while Files.ResourceAdaptor mainly remained the same. May be I did not get the purpose of Files.ResourceAdaptor, but I think the grown common code has to be put into a common base class instead. If there is a strong reason to have different implementations this should be clearly expressed by overwriting the affected method.

Any reason not to do so?

I have many more suggestions/question, but this one may be a starting point to clean up the code base in general without changing the API itself.



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Hi Dieter:

I have been so focused on getting the release out I have not had a chance to double back and think about some of the good ideas you shared.

A common base class makes a lot of sense; I was keeping them separated to avoid accidentally stepping outside of the data directory when using FileSystemResourceStore.


Jody Garnett