[Geoserver-devel] REST deleting data store causes hang up


I am actually developing a SW module which configures data & coverage stores using the REST interface of GeoServer.

Now I have experienced a problem when I want to delete data stores which I have originally created.

Sometimes - after sending the commands for deleting layers or the complete data store (I have used GsRest.java as template) - GeoServer is not responding any more. I have to kill the instance and restart it. The last Log entry is every time:

“DEBUG [org.geoserver] – thread XXXX releasing the lock in mode WRITE”

The code is:

public boolean deleteDatastore(final String wsName, final String dsName) throws IOException {

final List layerNames = getLayersUsingDataStore(wsName, dsName);

for (final String lName : layerNames) {

if (!deleteLayer(lName)) {

throw new RuntimeException(„Could not delete layer “ + wsName + „:” + dsName + „:” + lName);




final int erg = sentRESTint(METHOD_DELETE, „/workspaces/“ + wsName + „/datastores/” + dsName, null);

return erg == 200;


Do you know this behaviour? Anybody got a hint?

Thank you very much!


Tobias Neumann, M.Sc.

Softwareingenieur Geoinformatik

Tel: +49 89 608090-276
Fax: +49 89 6098182
E-Mail: Tobias.Neumann@anonymised.com
Web: www.berner-mattner.com

Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH
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D-80807 München

Geschäftsführer: Dr. Klaus Eder, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wenzel
Registernummer: HR B 83252 beim Amtsgericht München
Sitz der Gesellschaft: München

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Neumann, Tobias
<tobias.neumann@anonymised.com> wrote:


I am actually developing a SW module which configures data & coverage stores
using the REST interface of GeoServer.

The developer list is meant for people actively contributing changes
to GeoServer.
If you want to just make questions or report issues the user list
please post there
(and have a look at the posting guidelines here:

For your followup on the user list, I'd suggest you to also report what happens
to OGC requests, if they get locked as well or not, and a jstack dump showing
what the threads are doing after the lockup occurs



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