I am actually developing a SW module which configures data & coverage stores using the REST interface of GeoServer.
Now I have experienced a problem when I want to delete data stores which I have originally created.
Sometimes - after sending the commands for deleting layers or the complete data store (I have used GsRest.java as template) - GeoServer is not responding any more. I have to kill the instance and restart it. The last Log entry is every time:
“DEBUG [org.geoserver] – thread XXXX releasing the lock in mode WRITE”
The code is:
public boolean deleteDatastore(final String wsName, final String dsName) throws IOException {
final List layerNames = getLayersUsingDataStore(wsName, dsName);
for (final String lName : layerNames) {
if (!deleteLayer(lName)) {
throw new RuntimeException(„Could not delete layer “ + wsName + „:” + dsName + „:” + lName);
final int erg = sentRESTint(METHOD_DELETE, „/workspaces/“ + wsName + „/datastores/” + dsName, null);
return erg == 200;
Do you know this behaviour? Anybody got a hint?
Thank you very much!
Tobias Neumann, M.Sc.
Softwareingenieur Geoinformatik
Tel: +49 89 608090-276
Fax: +49 89 6098182
E-Mail: Tobias.Neumann@anonymised.com
Web: www.berner-mattner.com
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