David or other RESTful API enthusiasts,
I’m trying to delete a shapfile which I’ve successfully put with:
curl -Tbundle.zip http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/folders/foo/file.shp
Since delete seems to be implemented:
I was hoping I could do an HTTP delete at the same URL but that doesn’t work.
Looking at DataStoreFileResource: ( http://fisheye.codehaus.org/browse/geoserver/trunk/geoserver/community/RESTConfig/src/main/java/org/geoserver/restconfig/DataStoreFileResource.java?r=8750)
It doesn’t have an allowDelete method.
Is it possible to delete a shapefile via the RESTful API?
PS we’re building a great GWT app around the geoserver RESTful API (on 1.7.x) and we’ll share as soon as it does anything interesting.