[Geoserver-devel] RV: TJS Live Demo

De: José Luis Capote Fernández [mailto:capote@anonymised.com]
Enviado el: viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013 10:08 a.m.
Para: Geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
CC: ‘Chris Holmes’; t.brentjens@anonymised.com; ‘Rafael Cruz’
Asunto: TJS Live Demo


Now, there is available a live demo of the TJS service (http://www.iderc.co.cu/tjsserver/ ). The demo implements the basic interfaces and through the links in the body of the Geographic Framework Description document (http:// www.iderc.co.cu/tjsserver/ows?request=DescribeFrameworks&service=TJS ) you can explore some of the other interfaces of the service.

The service publishes a single Dataset with population values associated to the provinces of Cuba. As an additional facility, not included in the standard, is offered a property (AutoJoin) to indicate the automatic invocation of the JoinData interface on the desired data source with all its attributes, producing a WMS layer. Then, if visit the Layers Preview (http://www.iderc.co.cu/tjsserver/web/?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:org.geoserver.web.demo.MapPreviewPage ) you can see one with the name of the published dataset. In the result map (http://www.iderc.co.cu/tjsserver/__temp/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=__temp:Poblacion&styles=&bbox=-84.953077,19.826366,-74.131305,23.276486&width=1035&height=330&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers ) you can click over any feature to obtain a FeatureInfo that includes dataset attributes.

As you can see the layer has a style (in SLD format, http://www.iderc.co.cu/tjsserver/rest/styles/PoblacionRojo.sld ) that produces a Thematic Map. This style is expressed with rules applied to the “total_2009” dataset attribute.

We hope to hear your feedback.

Best Regards,
