[Geoserver-devel] Sandbox?

Hi Guys,

Can I get a Sandbox to look into a few issues, test, debug patch please.


Hi Andrew,

Well you should be able to checkout code and work on it... just not
commit. The project policy is to get a few patches from a developer
before granting commit access. Would this work for you?


Andrew Hughes wrote:

Hi Guys,

Can I get a Sandbox to look into a few issues, test, debug patch please.



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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

Justin Deoliveira ha scritto:

Hi Andrew,

Well you should be able to checkout code and work on it... just not
commit. The project policy is to get a few patches from a developer
before granting commit access. Would this work for you?

OpenLayers has the sandbox concept, sort of a per developer branch
where more ambitious changes can be tested out before merging onto
trunk. It seems to work pretty well there, not sure how it would
work for us, but the idea seems interesting.
