[Geoserver-devel] Scale at pointSymbolizer

Hello from Spain,
I created a style with the next rule for represent points (For a layer that shows trees)

geom triangle #ff0000 8.0

It works ok, but the size value is a real size in pixels.The triangles have the same size althought the scale change.

Its possible represent scalable points?

I read the Styled Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification but i cant find the solution…

Thanks in advanced,

Daniel Pardo

At 17:17 30/11/2004, Daniel Pardo wrote:

It works ok, but the size value is a real size in pixels.The triangles have the same size althought the scale change.

Its possible represent scalable points?

I read the Styled Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification but i cant find the solution...

It isn't currently possible using SLD though it was discussed at the last revision wg but that seems to have gone quiet lately.


At 01:45 PM 12/1/2004, Ian Turton wrote:

At 17:17 30/11/2004, Daniel Pardo wrote:

It works ok, but the size value is a real size in pixels.The triangles have the same size althought the scale change.

Its possible represent scalable points?

I read the Styled Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification but i cant find the solution...

It isn't currently possible using SLD though it was discussed at the last revision wg but that seems to have gone quiet lately.

The last draft included the concept of environment variables, one of which was MAPSCALE - this could be used in an expression to drive scalable points.

In fact, environment variables in SLD are soooo handy that we might want to go ahead an implement them in advance of the next SLD spec.


At 01:45 PM 12/1/2004, Ian Turton wrote:
>At 17:17 30/11/2004, Daniel Pardo wrote:
>>It works ok, but the size value is a real size in pixels.The triangles
>>have the same size althought the scale change.
>>Its possible represent scalable points?
>>I read the Styled Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification but i
>>cant find the solution...
>It isn't currently possible using SLD though it was discussed at the last
>revision wg but that seems to have gone quiet lately.

The last draft included the concept of environment variables, one of which
was MAPSCALE - this could be used in an expression to drive scalable points.

In fact, environment variables in SLD are soooo handy that we might want to
go ahead an implement them in advance of the next SLD spec.

I say let's do it. Is it that hard to implement? Does anyone have time
to implement it? I don't see any reason for us to not go ahead of the
specs - if the specs decide to do things differently we can always change
it. But I think having geotools include the future changes can help to
ensure that they do get in future specs.



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Geoserver-devel mailing list


Hi Everyone,

Can anyone tell me or give me any documentation describing what are the capabilities of the GeoServer ?

My best regards
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
Systems Analyst

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I have been meaning to put to up a good wiki page on this, but am swamped
for time at the moment. I will try to in the next couple weeks. Until
then I can give a quick summary, and answer specific questions.

GeoServer fully implements WFS spec, including locking and transactions,
with support for all filters, on all datastores (filtering is done in java
if the store can not handle it natively). Supports postgis, oracle
spatial, arcsde, and shapefiles by default, mysql with an easily installed
extension. Basic WMS support, using SLD to specify styles. Recently
support for featureinfo was contributed. Easy to use web administartion
tool, based on struts, so there is no need to touch configuration files.
Completely integrates the WFS and WMS configuration. Validation engine to
ensure the back end is spatial clean. Solid WFS performance, as features
are streamed directly, not held in memory. Supports gzipped gml. There
is more, but I cant think of it all now. I will try to work on better
documentation relatively soon. 1.2.4 should have much better user docs,
explaining things more.

best regards,


On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Can anyone tell me or give me any documentation describing what are the
capabilities of the GeoServer ?

My best regards
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
Systems Analyst
