Dear all,
I was doing some research on how to solve my problem and i came across geoserver.
I will describe what i am trying to achieve and maybe someone can help me or point me in the right direction.
I have a proprietary database where we store imagery. This database i closed up and the only way i can extract images from it is by plain soap/xml calls. I send a request to the server and as a response i get a byte array representation of the image together with the metadata.(georeferencing information.)
What i would like to do i to server this byte array and an image and make it visible either through open layers or through map builder.
Is there a way that would allow me to do something like this through geoserver?
The user would like to see only one image at a time… Having this in mind one possible solution i had was to get the byte array to a physical location in the server and configure map builder to use that one image and display it as wms. And then at each request rewrite the image and reserver it.
any better approach that anyone can recomend?
Thank you for your time and help.
Radiceski Dan
University of Wollongong
SIFE - UOW Chapter - Alumni
(School of Information Technology and Computer Science,University of Wollongong)
Univeristy of Wollongong - Alumni