[Geoserver-devel] Skype meeting July 25th

0) what is up?
1) PSC yeah
2) FOSS4G/Publicity
3) development short term

- meeting moved 1/2 hour earlier for Rob

Open Questions:
- when can 1.4.x be released

A nice discussion of ideas/opportunities, and breakdown of the 1.4 and 1.5
development paths with enough STRUTS to cause pain.

[9:15:26 AM] Jody Garn... says: shall we do a geoserver meeting?
[9:15:57 AM] * Jody Garnett added Andrea Aime, Alessio Fabiani, simboss18830 to this chat
[9:16:01 AM] Rob Atkin... says: OK
[9:16:19 AM] Jody Garn... says: We have been running them around now over skype
[9:16:31 AM] Jody Garn... says: as Alessio and simboss cannot get out of their firewall
[9:16:34 AM] Rob Atkin... says: audio or chat?
[9:16:50 AM] * Jody Garnett added Gabriel Roldán, Justin Deoliveira to this chat
[9:16:53 AM] Jody Garn... says: chat
[9:17:01 AM] * Jody Garnett has changed the chat topic to "geoserver meeting"
[9:17:09 AM] Jody Garn... says: Morning Alessio ...
[9:19:14 AM] * Jody Garnett added Clint Lewis, Oliver Loe to this chat
[9:19:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: just reading your email now Rob, TOPP will have a GeoServer presence at FOSS4G but we should grab/book some demofest time if we can.
[9:19:58 AM] Jody Garn... says: so lets set up an agenda ...
[9:20:05 AM] Jody Garn... says: 1) PSC yeah!
[9:20:08 AM] Rob Atkin... says: OK - pending confirmation of funding to get there :slight_smile:
[9:20:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) FOSS4G
[9:20:23 AM] Clint Lewis says: Brent set an agenda..
[9:20:31 AM] Clint Lewis says: I will get it from mail
[9:20:34 AM] Jody Garn... says: 3) Development Roadmap (short term)
[9:20:41 AM] Jody Garn... says: I cannot see it in mail yet ...
[9:20:43 AM] Clint Lewis says: 1) The current status of GeoServer: who is working on what, and where do they need to go with it
2) A common goal ("where are we taking geoserver?", "where does everyone want it to go?")
3) Steps needed to reach that goal (project planning)
4) Tyeing in the new framework (1.4 development), FROGS
5) How we are going to open up development
6) Maintenance and new development
[9:21:00 AM] Clint Lewis says: opps see you started..
[9:21:30 AM] Jody Garn... says: clint where is this email? geoserver-devel?
[9:21:41 AM] Clint Lewis says: sorry.. that mail was filtered and really old..
[9:21:53 AM] Clint Lewis says: sometime april..
[9:22:06 AM] Rob Atkin... says: plus ca change :slight_smile:
[9:22:07 AM] Clint Lewis says: my bad
[9:22:10 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay ...
[9:22:42 AM] * Jody Garnett has changed the chat topic to "1) PSC 2) FOSS4G/Publicity 3) Development short term"
[9:22:54 AM] * Clint Lewis added Gerhard Goosen to this chat
[9:23:04 AM] Jody Garn... says: Anyone else have agenda items?
[9:23:25 AM] Jody Garn... says: we should do the 0) who is working on what, and where do they need to go with it
[9:23:38 AM] * Jody Garnett has changed the chat topic to "0) who/what/where 1) PSC 2) FOSS4G/Publicity 3) Development short term"
[9:24:12 AM] Clint Lewis says: That seems to be it..
[9:24:18 AM] Alessio Fa... says: hi, sorry for the delay
[9:24:31 AM] Jody Garn... says: :slight_smile:
[9:25:21 AM] Jody Garn... says: 0) who/what/where
[9:25:32 AM] Jody Garn... says: Aka brent's SCRUM kickoff ...
[9:25:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: Alessio? What are you :slight_smile:
[9:26:56 AM] Jody Garn... says: Perhaps I should start, I have been watching the 1.4.x progress and have been trying to help where possible.
[9:27:02 AM] Alessio Fa... says: actually I'm helping Simone on porting GeoTools plug-ins and in the meantime I'm integrating those plugins in GeoServer
[9:27:29 AM] Alessio Fa... says: at a certain point I have decided to start developing 1.4.x release
[9:27:47 AM] Alessio Fa... says: and actually I'm working only on that version
[9:28:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: we should figure out the details in agenda topic #3, of what is being released over the next couple weeks...
[9:28:26 AM] Alessio Fa... says: it has a better design and works better then the previous version
[9:28:34 AM] Jody Garn... says: Clint, Gerhard, Oliver, Rob .... what are you guys doing?
[9:28:58 AM] Clint Lewis says: Nothing Really besides finishing up the docs..
[9:29:12 AM] Oliver Loe says: nothing at the moment.
[9:29:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: And we are probably stuck waiting for direction from justin?
[9:30:51 AM] Clint Lewis says: yes
[9:31:22 AM] Rob Atkin... says: Hi - am waiting really, working on a broader plan that will put some requirements for SDIs on the table at FOSS4Geo hopefully
[9:31:37 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay so development has hit a bit of a bottleneck ... lets try and see what can be done during agenda item #3
[9:31:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: and Rob is happily leading us towards more competence...
[9:31:50 AM] Rob Atkin... says: Waiting till I can get dirty with some testing and debugging and porting to FM...
[9:32:01 AM] * Jody Garnett added Cameron Shorter to this chat
[9:32:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: I am still wanting to have data/jdbc ready for you at month end ...
[9:32:23 AM] Jody Garn... says: lets move on .
[9:32:25 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) PSC
[9:32:47 AM] Jody Garn... says: Yeah! Brent went through the process, and as we have all noticed on email GeoServer is now the proud owner of
[9:32:55 AM] Jody Garn... says: a project steering committee.
[9:33:14 AM] Jody Garn... says: Congrats to all those tagged, I am really happy with the range of representation.
[9:33:24 AM] Alessio Fa... says: :slight_smile:
[9:33:49 AM] * Jody Garnett added avcuster to this chat
[9:33:58 AM] Rob Atkin... says: time zones may be a challenge
[9:34:39 AM] Jody Garn... says: Seriously we are in a good spot, the tech finally has a base that can be used for community development, and we are well positioned to grow geoserver after Dave's hard work on stability.
[9:34:56 AM] Jody Garn... says: Rob is this meeting type/venue going to be okay for you?
[9:35:11 AM] Jody Garn... says: (I cannot make the later meeting time, but we may be able to move this earlier for you if needed)
[9:36:02 AM] Rob Atkin... says: an hour earlier would be easier
[9:36:19 AM] Rob Atkin... says: or 4-6 hours later
[9:36:38 AM] Clint Lewis says: r we talking about tonights geoserver meeting
[9:36:44 AM] Jody Garn... says: no right now...
[9:37:05 AM] Jody Garn... says: Alessio does 1 hour earlier or 4-6 hours later work for you?
[9:37:26 AM] Clint Lewis says: ok
[9:37:30 AM] Jody Garn... says: 1 hour earlier would be nicer as we may grab someone PST in north america like justin.
[9:37:48 AM] Jody Garn... says: (Alessio is stuck behind a firewall, so I would like to know when he gets in)
[9:38:29 AM] Alessio Fa... says: yes, it should be ok for me too ... maybe half hour is better
[9:38:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay, I will update the wiki page.
[9:38:52 AM] Alessio Fa... says: (it means 8:30 A.M. for me)
[9:39:09 AM] Alessio Fa... says: I cannot enter inside NURC before
[9:39:17 AM] Clint Lewis says: 8:30 is good
[9:39:28 AM] Jody Garn... says: Since we have some PSC members here, is everyone comfortable with the mandate? Any great ideas or places you want to see GeoServer go?
[9:40:07 AM] Jody Garn... says: Acuster, we have the start of procedures in place where "proposals" are voted on, much more formal then GeoTools and hopefully more efficient.
[9:40:12 AM] Clint Lewis says: hiow about the beach.. somewhere warm ::slight_smile:
[9:40:33 AM] Jody Garn... says: well we can always get you a coastal dataset.
[9:41:01 AM] Clint Lewis says: that would work
[9:41:09 AM] Jody Garn... says: I do have a tough one - just to strike fear. Java5/J2EE5 ...
[9:41:13 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Oh, geoserver meeting on skype, right!
[9:41:21 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Gosh, I forgot and was on irc...
[9:41:52 AM] Alessio Fa... says: on my dreams for the future there is a better data catalog handling, instead of loading all in memory and a good ingestion engine :slight_smile:
[9:42:14 AM] Jody Garn... says: well we have started that, or justin did.
[9:42:37 AM] Jody Garn... says: he has ported the uDig catalog to geotools...
[9:42:44 AM] Rob Atkin... says: my 2c - I dont think J5 is a showstopper for most deployers. It seems we are running into libraries that can only be integrated using it?
[9:42:46 AM] Alessio Fa... says: web services using SOAP :slight_smile:
[9:42:52 AM] Jody Garn... says: then we just have to figure out what you mean by an ingestion engine.
[9:43:04 AM] Jody Garn... says: once again I have talked through the idea with Justin.
[9:43:08 AM] Jody Garn... says: The first step is to ...
[9:43:12 AM] Jody Garn... says: 1) module system
[9:43:19 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) "simple" service API
[9:43:33 AM] Jody Garn... says: 3) development of OWS helper code that will call the simple service
[9:43:45 AM] Jody Garn... says: 4) development of SOAP helper code that will call the simple service ...
[9:43:57 AM] Jody Garn... says: the trick has mostly been trying to figure out how simple we could make the service.
[9:44:18 AM] Rob Atkin... says: SOAP is a red herring, it doesnt change the need to handle incoming requests - it might just mean a different dispatcher. It will become important when there is info passed from security layers to the service under some Digital Rights Management architecture (to be developed
:slight_smile: )
[9:45:43 AM] Alessio Fa... says: ingestion engine for me is a piece of software which automatically handles the features and coverages in the catalog. The user should see only the filesystem and just copy or delete files and the ingestion engine does the dirty work on creating all the stuff in the catalog
[9:46:39 AM] Jody Garn... says: it sounds to me like you just want an easier way to manage geoServer?
[9:46:45 AM] Jody Garn... says: aka dumping files in a directory...
[9:46:50 AM] Alessio Fa... says: yes, exactly
[9:46:59 AM] Jody Garn... says: would the files just be themselves, ie shapefiles?
[9:47:02 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Hum, good, but what about databases?
[9:47:10 AM] Jody Garn... says: or would they be magic XML or properties files?
[9:47:22 AM] Alessio Fa... says: maybe an info file could be attached to the files
[9:47:27 AM] Alessio Fa... says: simple
[9:47:29 AM] Andrea Ai... says: (postgis and the like, do you wawnt to publish everything?)
[9:47:41 AM] Alessio Fa... says: not like the info.xml we have now
[9:47:53 AM] Jody Garn... says: before I ask too much, justin has made geoserver "Global" delegate some stuff to a GeoTools catalog, so the problem got a lot more tractable...
[9:48:01 AM] Alessio Fa... says: something that describes the connection parameters
[9:48:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: in that you can "plugin in" your own geotools catalog, and have geoserver work... so you can make your ingestion engine populate a geotools catalog and you are set.
[9:48:36 AM] Andrea Ai... says: I was thinking about 1) recognizing geo tables 2) cherry pickingt hose you want to publish out
[9:48:52 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay, the geotools demo code contains xxxx.properties files that are parsed into a map and used to set up a datastore...
[9:49:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: good idea andrea, actually part of the initial user interface defined for vwfs.refractions.net ...
[9:49:47 AM] Jody Garn... says: basically a table of all data where you place checkboxes next to what you want published (for wfs) and choose an sld for content you want visible in the WMS.
[9:49:50 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Having people messing with property files can be nice for linux power users, not much for windows admins...
[9:50:05 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Yeah Jody, that would be nice
[9:50:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: alessio the geotools catalog interfaces also support your coverage work.
[9:50:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: agreed andrea; but it is possible to build easily and would make Alessio happy.
[9:51:06 AM] Jody Garn... says: It is simple enough it may make a good demo for the geoserver module system ...
[9:51:29 AM] Alessio Fa... says: very very interesting :slight_smile:
[9:51:41 AM] Jody Garn... says: I am also interested in what you guys want longer term, I am mostly in agreement with Rob about where we want to take geoserver in terms of ability... but I am not sure if you guys have had a chance to talk to him.
[9:51:51 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Speaking of user interface, we are still on hold for a replacement or do we accept Struts as our destiny/sin/curse?
[9:52:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: I think andrea that we have a procedure ... and when a proposal is made to repalce struts we can evaulate it ...
[9:53:12 AM] Jody Garn... says: although to be honest I will have to say "-1" unless the proposal has financial (or volunteer) backing
[9:53:15 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Procedure is good, voting without anyone willing to do the work is not :slight_smile:
[9:53:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: and a schedule of development...
[9:53:32 AM] Andrea Ai... says: I see we are on the same page
[9:55:22 AM] Jody Garn... says: Another "page" is that the user interface is an important part of geoserver, we have attracted and impressed many users based on the ease of use represented there.
[9:55:50 AM] Alessio Fa... says: Andrea, I think that would be good to have a web interface better integrated with Spring and abandon Struts ... but that means basically to rebuild all the web interface
[9:55:56 AM] Jody Garn... says: At somepoint the code, or screens did not matter. The fact that they could set up geoserver from the comfort of a browser really "sells" geoserver as a friendly solution.
[9:56:08 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Indeed
[9:56:23 AM] Andrea Ai... says: But as we are adding module, we'll have to add UI
[9:56:24 AM] Jody Garn... says: Most of the struts code is horrible because of the initial design restrictions ... we could not modify the running geoserver.
[9:56:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: (so we needed to set up a shadow "config" application complete with datastores and configure that)
[9:56:50 AM] Andrea Ai... says: What bugs me is that it's not and cannot be modular
[9:57:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: Nice approach Andrea, optional modules that configure the running geoserver...
[9:57:52 AM] Jody Garn... says: part of that approach will be asking the various modules to "Save their state", hense the "config store" module jesse was working on.
[9:58:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: I have a conflict in that I can "see" a very nice arrangement for geoserver, and have talked over it with justin, but I have no venue or budget to go after this....
[9:59:10 AM] Jody Garn... says: and if I write up something formal it would constrain what people do now, the best I can ask is for people to talk to me when they get a chance to hack in earnest.
[10:00:08 AM] Jody Garn... says: I was hoping for Rob to talk ... but lets move on. the meeting is at an end time wise.
[10:00:15 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) FOSS4G/Publicity
[10:00:51 AM] Jody Garn... says: "yes", the people this evening can take this agenda item ... I will be there and would like to ensure that geoserver is present to promote itself
[10:01:07 AM] Jody Garn... says: and can crash any geotools space we get via OSGEO connections.
[10:01:28 AM] Jody Garn... says: Sounds like Rob is willing to deme complex features, i can do the uDig/GeoServer editing tag team demo...
[10:01:38 AM] Jody Garn... says: and hopefully WCS can make an appearance.
[10:01:43 AM] Alessio F... says: :slight_smile:
[10:01:47 AM] Alessio F... says: hopefully
[10:02:06 AM] Alessio F... says: I think that me and Simone will be there
[10:02:15 AM] Jody Gar... says: Does anyone have any geoserver publicity targets, that they need assistence with?
[10:02:18 AM] Rob Atki... says: Have some interest from people in the meteorology and transport sectors wanting to work with Coverages and General Feature Model - e.g. be able to pull features such as a profile out of a coverage through a function. And intersect coverages with features I guess. These guys may well be able to resource some WCS/FM merge and consoldation activity.
[10:02:56 AM] Jody Gar... says: Are they attending FOSS4G (and want to talk), or do you just want to put them in touch with myself and Alessio as needed?
[10:02:57 AM] Andrea A... says: Hear hear, profile extraction. Reminds me of my GRASS days. Cool!
[10:03:29 AM] Jody Gar... says: (wonders what evils lurk the the background of our friend andrea - but happy he understands Rob)
[10:03:49 AM] Rob Atki... says: I've asked for a bit of a statement of requirements - I then need to run it past you guys to see how much is required...
[10:04:20 AM] Rob Atki... says: jsut a heads up at this stage.
[10:04:26 AM] Jody Gar... says: cool.
[10:04:43 AM] Andrea A... says: Well, profile extraction is just "strange" in take it takes a coverage and a path in input and output an "hystogram"
[10:05:53 AM] Jody Gar... says: Cameron Shorter was looking into making a community module to do reverse geocoding, aka find the line near the dot. I would like to promote any random people you meet to follow the same path ... ie set up a geoserver module.
[10:06:13 AM] Jody Gar... says: the more modules we can "host" the more of a "web toolbox" geoserver will become...
[10:06:38 AM] Jody Gar... says: 3) Development short term
[10:07:03 AM] Jody Gar... says: This comes down to the interactions between 1.4.x -> 1.4.0 and WCS -> 1.5 as I understand it?
[10:08:11 AM] Andrea A... says: 1.5 is a bit far away?
[10:09:15 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think it is rather close ...
[10:09:16 AM] Alessio F... says: honestly I have not yet understood what are the ideas for the different releases ... however I'm working on debugging GeoServer 1.4.x and maintaining aligned GeoServer 1.4.x + WCS with the trunk
[10:09:18 AM] Rob Atki... says: sounds like WCS is nearly ready with 1.4 - cant we try to make it a 1.4 milestone and minimise the potential for more delays? Whats the risks?
[10:09:26 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4.0 is supposed to be no change of functionality, just the module system
[10:09:50 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.5.0 is WCS (we can put out an alpha right away) and mostly will be held up by documentation requirements?
[10:10:13 AM] Jody Gar... says: the risk is documentation, 1.4.0 is ready to go with developer doc pages now
[10:10:35 AM] Jody Gar... says: and to make a 1.5 release we will need user documentation updated, and that will take a certaint amount of time
[10:10:50 AM] Jody Gar... says: (I have not seen any prototype user docs in GEOSDEV yet have I allessio?)
[10:10:59 AM] Rob Atki... says: so its really a "market perception" issue
[10:11:15 AM] Jody Gar... says: It would be wonderful to announce 1.5.0 at FOSS4G.
[10:11:23 AM] Rob Atki... says: we need to make people develop against 1.5 alpha or we diverge angain is what I'm syaing...
[10:11:30 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think it is the difference between "project" and product... so yes Rob.
[10:11:48 AM] Jody Gar... says: Ah, no more diverging :slight_smile:
[10:12:00 AM] Alessio F... says: no, we need documentation for 1.5.0 and WCS
[10:12:19 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4.x seems to be ready, the geotools release we need is held up as Richard has some exams (we tried to ask for volunteer help last night).
[10:12:32 AM] Jody Gar... says: If we want 1.4.x out we can pitch in and punt out a geotools release though...
[10:13:02 AM] Rob Atki... says: so, from a maintenance perspective we need to have developers working against 1.5, skipping 1.4, and move core maintenance effort to 1.4 ASAP?
[10:13:14 AM] Jody Gar... says: then with 1.4.0 out we can move trunk over to geotools trunk, and start wrapping up both for a 1.5 release... hopefuly while docs are made?
[10:13:19 AM] simboss1... says: hi all
[10:13:33 AM] Jody Gar... says: from maintance point of vew developers need to be on trunk.
[10:13:40 AM] Jody Gar... says: and working on "modules"...
[10:13:57 AM] Jody Gar... says: what modules make the cut for a release depend on meeting QA and documentation standards...
[10:14:17 AM] Jody Gar... says: ... hope that makes sense.
[10:14:17 AM] Rob Atki... says: which is 1.4 at the moment?, so the issue is getting 1.4 + WCS onto trunk?
[10:14:32 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4 is on trunk, we have the documentation ready.
[10:14:47 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think we just need some leadership, and a geotools release.
[10:14:57 AM] Jody Gar... says: (even a geotools RC would do)
[10:15:01 AM] Rob Atki... says: or is WCS a module that can be released separately (so why 1.5 - sorry to be so thick)
[10:15:27 AM] Jody Gar... says: ah, I think because 1.5 would represent a change to the "product" .. with a whole new service WCS.
[10:15:40 AM] Andrea A... says: And also because the user interface is not modular
[10:15:54 AM] Andrea A... says: If we have WCS on trunk we do have also its ui, right?
[10:16:00 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4 also represents a change to the "product" a new module system so you can safely use GeoServer as a platform for your spatial web application development.
[10:16:09 AM] Andrea A... says: So as long we don't have a modular UI, we can't really cherry pick modules, or not?
[10:16:12 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think Alessio has a ui?
[10:16:17 AM] Jody Gar... says: Alessio?
[10:16:31 AM] Alessio F... says: wcs could be released as a module right now, the problem is the web interface ... we should find a way to hide the voices related to the wcs
[10:16:42 AM] Andrea A... says: What I do mean, is that you cannot merge wcs now and then release 1.4.0 without wcs because its ui will be around
[10:16:58 AM] Alessio F... says: exactly
[10:17:24 AM] Jody Gar... says: thinking ... darn struts!
[10:17:52 AM] Jody Gar... says: can we comment out some XML? Nope ... can we ask spring to process some xml produced a merged file and then ask struts to read the merged file?
[10:17:59 AM] Jody Gar... says: (andrea stop me if that is crazy)
[10:18:00 AM] Rob Atki... says: ahh - makes a bit more sense to me now...
[10:18:23 AM] Andrea A... says: Rob, the problem is that whilst the code is modular, the ui is still a monolith
[10:19:12 AM] Alessio F... says: a quick solution could be to insert a control against the session variabiles
[10:19:18 AM] Jody Gar... says: can we run a seperate struts config for the WCS module? (I know struts can be broken up somehow)
[10:19:19 AM] Rob Atki... says: Hmm - i've been avoiding the UI for ages because its just all wrong - it is about exposing your private perisistence layer as if someone else would care about them.
[10:19:47 AM] Jody Gar... says: ah the guilt - I know it is bad, but it was the best we could do at the time :wink:
[10:20:00 AM] Rob Atki... says: Death to it I say. Or at least dont discriminate against modules that ry to do something more sensible, even by configuration files :slight_smile:
[10:20:34 AM] Jody Gar... says: tempting rob, but geoServer 1.3.x is a success for a reason, the user experience was improved.
[10:20:44 AM] Jody Gar... says: I cannot think of a faster way to lose the ground we gained.
[10:21:01 AM] Rob Atki... says: Kill it gently then :slight_smile:
[10:21:05 AM] Jody Gar... says: now if the sensible thing was a servlet or spring based web ui fine, but not config files.
[10:21:33 AM] Jody Gar... says: would like to have a "sample" good way to do it, and then ween the app off STRUTS slowley like a crack additct.
[10:21:50 AM] Jody Gar... says: (perhaps I have the wrong drug for the analogy to work)
[10:22:16 AM] Rob Atki... says: Some means to decouple the UI from the config load - so that the UI loaded a module/ datastore at a time would buy as the ability to protect modules from it
[10:22:19 AM] Andrea A... says: Hum, spring MVC seems the most similar framework to struts I know
[10:22:33 AM] Andrea A... says: looking on their docs/forums to see if it can be made modular
[10:23:07 AM] Alessio F... says: yes Andrea, I was thinking the same thing
[10:23:25 AM] Alessio F... says: we could try to use the Spring MVC
[10:23:41 AM] Jody Gar... says: Well rather then a technical solution we can go for the social solution: release 1.4.0 as soon as we can and get WCS onto trunk...
[10:23:41 AM] Rob Atki... says: I need to turn into a pumpkin about now..
[10:23:45 AM] Andrea A... says: (not that I like much action oriented frameworks, as a Swing developer I'd prefer jsf or wicked, aka component based :P)
[10:23:58 AM] Jody Gar... says: don't forget your slipper rob....
[10:24:06 AM] Andrea A... says: Jody, that's the best short them solution
[10:24:29 AM] Jody Gar... says: guys we are almost 30 mins over our meeting time, we should kick out the lights soon.
[10:24:32 AM] Rob Atki... says: OK - I concur.
[10:24:53 AM] Jody Gar... says: (part of why we can get a meeting during the day is that it has a set time limit, I am not the best at running them that way...)
[10:24:58 AM] Jody Gar... says: (brent is way better)
[10:25:36 AM] Jody Gar... says: Let's hope the evening crew can establish a 1.4.x timeline then ...
[10:25:44 AM] Alessio F... says: ok, we can try to find some solutions and then make proposals
[10:26:10 AM] Jody Gar... says: nice approach :wink:
[10:26:40 AM] Jody Gar... says: I will gather the logs, the chat window can stay open ...

Just a couple notes on web app and WCS.

We should get 1.4.0 out as soon as possible, and then branch 1.4.x as stable, and do WCS merge to trunk, which will be 1.5.x. Past documentation, the one big requirement I see is actually to get away from exposing our data model. This becomes much worse with coverage in the mix, as the data menu goes from 4 to 6 options, few of which make any sense. I sketched out an improved workflow here: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-340 This could work well with coverages. Perhaps we should rename to 'data layer' and 'data source' or some such, so that when you hit 'new data source' you get options for coverages as well as datastores.

I think we should just do this in struts. And in the future we should first get a really nice catalog and data reading, that works with an ingestion engine and lets you persist config to a database. Then we could just write another way to interact with config, a new web gui. I'd like to see it based on wicket or tapestry, something that people are excited about, instead of Spring MVC just because it's close to struts.


Jody Garnett wrote:

0) what is up?
1) PSC yeah
2) FOSS4G/Publicity
3) development short term

- meeting moved 1/2 hour earlier for Rob

Open Questions:
- when can 1.4.x be released

A nice discussion of ideas/opportunities, and breakdown of the 1.4 and 1.5
development paths with enough STRUTS to cause pain.

[9:15:26 AM] Jody Garn... says: shall we do a geoserver meeting?
[9:15:57 AM] * Jody Garnett added Andrea Aime, Alessio Fabiani, simboss18830 to this chat
[9:16:01 AM] Rob Atkin... says: OK
[9:16:19 AM] Jody Garn... says: We have been running them around now over skype
[9:16:31 AM] Jody Garn... says: as Alessio and simboss cannot get out of their firewall
[9:16:34 AM] Rob Atkin... says: audio or chat?
[9:16:50 AM] * Jody Garnett added Gabriel Roldán, Justin Deoliveira to this chat
[9:16:53 AM] Jody Garn... says: chat
[9:17:01 AM] * Jody Garnett has changed the chat topic to "geoserver meeting"
[9:17:09 AM] Jody Garn... says: Morning Alessio ...
[9:19:14 AM] * Jody Garnett added Clint Lewis, Oliver Loe to this chat
[9:19:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: just reading your email now Rob, TOPP will have a GeoServer presence at FOSS4G but we should grab/book some demofest time if we can.
[9:19:58 AM] Jody Garn... says: so lets set up an agenda ...
[9:20:05 AM] Jody Garn... says: 1) PSC yeah!
[9:20:08 AM] Rob Atkin... says: OK - pending confirmation of funding to get there :slight_smile:
[9:20:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) FOSS4G
[9:20:23 AM] Clint Lewis says: Brent set an agenda..
[9:20:31 AM] Clint Lewis says: I will get it from mail
[9:20:34 AM] Jody Garn... says: 3) Development Roadmap (short term)
[9:20:41 AM] Jody Garn... says: I cannot see it in mail yet ...
[9:20:43 AM] Clint Lewis says: 1) The current status of GeoServer: who is working on what, and where do they need to go with it
2) A common goal ("where are we taking geoserver?", "where does everyone want it to go?")
3) Steps needed to reach that goal (project planning)
4) Tyeing in the new framework (1.4 development), FROGS
5) How we are going to open up development
6) Maintenance and new development
[9:21:00 AM] Clint Lewis says: opps see you started..
[9:21:30 AM] Jody Garn... says: clint where is this email? geoserver-devel?
[9:21:41 AM] Clint Lewis says: sorry.. that mail was filtered and really old..
[9:21:53 AM] Clint Lewis says: sometime april..
[9:22:06 AM] Rob Atkin... says: plus ca change :slight_smile:
[9:22:07 AM] Clint Lewis says: my bad
[9:22:10 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay ...
[9:22:42 AM] * Jody Garnett has changed the chat topic to "1) PSC 2) FOSS4G/Publicity 3) Development short term"
[9:22:54 AM] * Clint Lewis added Gerhard Goosen to this chat
[9:23:04 AM] Jody Garn... says: Anyone else have agenda items?
[9:23:25 AM] Jody Garn... says: we should do the 0) who is working on what, and where do they need to go with it
[9:23:38 AM] * Jody Garnett has changed the chat topic to "0) who/what/where 1) PSC 2) FOSS4G/Publicity 3) Development short term"
[9:24:12 AM] Clint Lewis says: That seems to be it..
[9:24:18 AM] Alessio Fa... says: hi, sorry for the delay
[9:24:31 AM] Jody Garn... says: :slight_smile:
[9:25:21 AM] Jody Garn... says: 0) who/what/where
[9:25:32 AM] Jody Garn... says: Aka brent's SCRUM kickoff ...
[9:25:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: Alessio? What are you :slight_smile:
[9:26:56 AM] Jody Garn... says: Perhaps I should start, I have been watching the 1.4.x progress and have been trying to help where possible.
[9:27:02 AM] Alessio Fa... says: actually I'm helping Simone on porting GeoTools plug-ins and in the meantime I'm integrating those plugins in GeoServer
[9:27:29 AM] Alessio Fa... says: at a certain point I have decided to start developing 1.4.x release
[9:27:47 AM] Alessio Fa... says: and actually I'm working only on that version
[9:28:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: we should figure out the details in agenda topic #3, of what is being released over the next couple weeks...
[9:28:26 AM] Alessio Fa... says: it has a better design and works better then the previous version
[9:28:34 AM] Jody Garn... says: Clint, Gerhard, Oliver, Rob .... what are you guys doing?
[9:28:58 AM] Clint Lewis says: Nothing Really besides finishing up the docs..
[9:29:12 AM] Oliver Loe says: nothing at the moment.
[9:29:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: And we are probably stuck waiting for direction from justin?
[9:30:51 AM] Clint Lewis says: yes
[9:31:22 AM] Rob Atkin... says: Hi - am waiting really, working on a broader plan that will put some requirements for SDIs on the table at FOSS4Geo hopefully
[9:31:37 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay so development has hit a bit of a bottleneck ... lets try and see what can be done during agenda item #3
[9:31:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: and Rob is happily leading us towards more competence...
[9:31:50 AM] Rob Atkin... says: Waiting till I can get dirty with some testing and debugging and porting to FM...
[9:32:01 AM] * Jody Garnett added Cameron Shorter to this chat
[9:32:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: I am still wanting to have data/jdbc ready for you at month end ...
[9:32:23 AM] Jody Garn... says: lets move on .
[9:32:25 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) PSC
[9:32:47 AM] Jody Garn... says: Yeah! Brent went through the process, and as we have all noticed on email GeoServer is now the proud owner of
[9:32:55 AM] Jody Garn... says: a project steering committee.
[9:33:14 AM] Jody Garn... says: Congrats to all those tagged, I am really happy with the range of representation.
[9:33:24 AM] Alessio Fa... says: :slight_smile:
[9:33:49 AM] * Jody Garnett added avcuster to this chat
[9:33:58 AM] Rob Atkin... says: time zones may be a challenge
[9:34:39 AM] Jody Garn... says: Seriously we are in a good spot, the tech finally has a base that can be used for community development, and we are well positioned to grow geoserver after Dave's hard work on stability.
[9:34:56 AM] Jody Garn... says: Rob is this meeting type/venue going to be okay for you?
[9:35:11 AM] Jody Garn... says: (I cannot make the later meeting time, but we may be able to move this earlier for you if needed)
[9:36:02 AM] Rob Atkin... says: an hour earlier would be easier
[9:36:19 AM] Rob Atkin... says: or 4-6 hours later
[9:36:38 AM] Clint Lewis says: r we talking about tonights geoserver meeting
[9:36:44 AM] Jody Garn... says: no right now...
[9:37:05 AM] Jody Garn... says: Alessio does 1 hour earlier or 4-6 hours later work for you?
[9:37:26 AM] Clint Lewis says: ok
[9:37:30 AM] Jody Garn... says: 1 hour earlier would be nicer as we may grab someone PST in north america like justin.
[9:37:48 AM] Jody Garn... says: (Alessio is stuck behind a firewall, so I would like to know when he gets in)
[9:38:29 AM] Alessio Fa... says: yes, it should be ok for me too ... maybe half hour is better
[9:38:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay, I will update the wiki page.
[9:38:52 AM] Alessio Fa... says: (it means 8:30 A.M. for me)
[9:39:09 AM] Alessio Fa... says: I cannot enter inside NURC before
[9:39:17 AM] Clint Lewis says: 8:30 is good
[9:39:28 AM] Jody Garn... says: Since we have some PSC members here, is everyone comfortable with the mandate? Any great ideas or places you want to see GeoServer go?
[9:40:07 AM] Jody Garn... says: Acuster, we have the start of procedures in place where "proposals" are voted on, much more formal then GeoTools and hopefully more efficient.
[9:40:12 AM] Clint Lewis says: hiow about the beach.. somewhere warm ::slight_smile:
[9:40:33 AM] Jody Garn... says: well we can always get you a coastal dataset.
[9:41:01 AM] Clint Lewis says: that would work
[9:41:09 AM] Jody Garn... says: I do have a tough one - just to strike fear. Java5/J2EE5 ...
[9:41:13 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Oh, geoserver meeting on skype, right!
[9:41:21 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Gosh, I forgot and was on irc...
[9:41:52 AM] Alessio Fa... says: on my dreams for the future there is a better data catalog handling, instead of loading all in memory and a good ingestion engine :slight_smile:
[9:42:14 AM] Jody Garn... says: well we have started that, or justin did.
[9:42:37 AM] Jody Garn... says: he has ported the uDig catalog to geotools...
[9:42:44 AM] Rob Atkin... says: my 2c - I dont think J5 is a showstopper for most deployers. It seems we are running into libraries that can only be integrated using it?
[9:42:46 AM] Alessio Fa... says: web services using SOAP :slight_smile:
[9:42:52 AM] Jody Garn... says: then we just have to figure out what you mean by an ingestion engine.
[9:43:04 AM] Jody Garn... says: once again I have talked through the idea with Justin.
[9:43:08 AM] Jody Garn... says: The first step is to ...
[9:43:12 AM] Jody Garn... says: 1) module system
[9:43:19 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) "simple" service API
[9:43:33 AM] Jody Garn... says: 3) development of OWS helper code that will call the simple service
[9:43:45 AM] Jody Garn... says: 4) development of SOAP helper code that will call the simple service ...
[9:43:57 AM] Jody Garn... says: the trick has mostly been trying to figure out how simple we could make the service.
[9:44:18 AM] Rob Atkin... says: SOAP is a red herring, it doesnt change the need to handle incoming requests - it might just mean a different dispatcher. It will become important when there is info passed from security layers to the service under some Digital Rights Management architecture (to be developed
:slight_smile: )
[9:45:43 AM] Alessio Fa... says: ingestion engine for me is a piece of software which automatically handles the features and coverages in the catalog. The user should see only the filesystem and just copy or delete files and the ingestion engine does the dirty work on creating all the stuff in the catalog
[9:46:39 AM] Jody Garn... says: it sounds to me like you just want an easier way to manage geoServer?
[9:46:45 AM] Jody Garn... says: aka dumping files in a directory...
[9:46:50 AM] Alessio Fa... says: yes, exactly
[9:46:59 AM] Jody Garn... says: would the files just be themselves, ie shapefiles?
[9:47:02 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Hum, good, but what about databases?
[9:47:10 AM] Jody Garn... says: or would they be magic XML or properties files?
[9:47:22 AM] Alessio Fa... says: maybe an info file could be attached to the files
[9:47:27 AM] Alessio Fa... says: simple
[9:47:29 AM] Andrea Ai... says: (postgis and the like, do you wawnt to publish everything?)
[9:47:41 AM] Alessio Fa... says: not like the info.xml we have now
[9:47:53 AM] Jody Garn... says: before I ask too much, justin has made geoserver "Global" delegate some stuff to a GeoTools catalog, so the problem got a lot more tractable...
[9:48:01 AM] Alessio Fa... says: something that describes the connection parameters
[9:48:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: in that you can "plugin in" your own geotools catalog, and have geoserver work... so you can make your ingestion engine populate a geotools catalog and you are set.
[9:48:36 AM] Andrea Ai... says: I was thinking about 1) recognizing geo tables 2) cherry pickingt hose you want to publish out
[9:48:52 AM] Jody Garn... says: okay, the geotools demo code contains xxxx.properties files that are parsed into a map and used to set up a datastore...
[9:49:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: good idea andrea, actually part of the initial user interface defined for vwfs.refractions.net ...
[9:49:47 AM] Jody Garn... says: basically a table of all data where you place checkboxes next to what you want published (for wfs) and choose an sld for content you want visible in the WMS.
[9:49:50 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Having people messing with property files can be nice for linux power users, not much for windows admins...
[9:50:05 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Yeah Jody, that would be nice
[9:50:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: alessio the geotools catalog interfaces also support your coverage work.
[9:50:50 AM] Jody Garn... says: agreed andrea; but it is possible to build easily and would make Alessio happy.
[9:51:06 AM] Jody Garn... says: It is simple enough it may make a good demo for the geoserver module system ...
[9:51:29 AM] Alessio Fa... says: very very interesting :slight_smile:
[9:51:41 AM] Jody Garn... says: I am also interested in what you guys want longer term, I am mostly in agreement with Rob about where we want to take geoserver in terms of ability... but I am not sure if you guys have had a chance to talk to him.
[9:51:51 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Speaking of user interface, we are still on hold for a replacement or do we accept Struts as our destiny/sin/curse?
[9:52:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: I think andrea that we have a procedure ... and when a proposal is made to repalce struts we can evaulate it ...
[9:53:12 AM] Jody Garn... says: although to be honest I will have to say "-1" unless the proposal has financial (or volunteer) backing
[9:53:15 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Procedure is good, voting without anyone willing to do the work is not :slight_smile:
[9:53:20 AM] Jody Garn... says: and a schedule of development...
[9:53:32 AM] Andrea Ai... says: I see we are on the same page
[9:55:22 AM] Jody Garn... says: Another "page" is that the user interface is an important part of geoserver, we have attracted and impressed many users based on the ease of use represented there.
[9:55:50 AM] Alessio Fa... says: Andrea, I think that would be good to have a web interface better integrated with Spring and abandon Struts ... but that means basically to rebuild all the web interface
[9:55:56 AM] Jody Garn... says: At somepoint the code, or screens did not matter. The fact that they could set up geoserver from the comfort of a browser really "sells" geoserver as a friendly solution.
[9:56:08 AM] Andrea Ai... says: Indeed
[9:56:23 AM] Andrea Ai... says: But as we are adding module, we'll have to add UI
[9:56:24 AM] Jody Garn... says: Most of the struts code is horrible because of the initial design restrictions ... we could not modify the running geoserver.
[9:56:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: (so we needed to set up a shadow "config" application complete with datastores and configure that)
[9:56:50 AM] Andrea Ai... says: What bugs me is that it's not and cannot be modular
[9:57:17 AM] Jody Garn... says: Nice approach Andrea, optional modules that configure the running geoserver...
[9:57:52 AM] Jody Garn... says: part of that approach will be asking the various modules to "Save their state", hense the "config store" module jesse was working on.
[9:58:43 AM] Jody Garn... says: I have a conflict in that I can "see" a very nice arrangement for geoserver, and have talked over it with justin, but I have no venue or budget to go after this....
[9:59:10 AM] Jody Garn... says: and if I write up something formal it would constrain what people do now, the best I can ask is for people to talk to me when they get a chance to hack in earnest.
[10:00:08 AM] Jody Garn... says: I was hoping for Rob to talk ... but lets move on. the meeting is at an end time wise.
[10:00:15 AM] Jody Garn... says: 2) FOSS4G/Publicity
[10:00:51 AM] Jody Garn... says: "yes", the people this evening can take this agenda item ... I will be there and would like to ensure that geoserver is present to promote itself
[10:01:07 AM] Jody Garn... says: and can crash any geotools space we get via OSGEO connections.
[10:01:28 AM] Jody Garn... says: Sounds like Rob is willing to deme complex features, i can do the uDig/GeoServer editing tag team demo...
[10:01:38 AM] Jody Garn... says: and hopefully WCS can make an appearance.
[10:01:43 AM] Alessio F... says: :slight_smile:
[10:01:47 AM] Alessio F... says: hopefully
[10:02:06 AM] Alessio F... says: I think that me and Simone will be there
[10:02:15 AM] Jody Gar... says: Does anyone have any geoserver publicity targets, that they need assistence with?
[10:02:18 AM] Rob Atki... says: Have some interest from people in the meteorology and transport sectors wanting to work with Coverages and General Feature Model - e.g. be able to pull features such as a profile out of a coverage through a function. And intersect coverages with features I guess. These guys may well be able to resource some WCS/FM merge and consoldation activity.
[10:02:56 AM] Jody Gar... says: Are they attending FOSS4G (and want to talk), or do you just want to put them in touch with myself and Alessio as needed?
[10:02:57 AM] Andrea A... says: Hear hear, profile extraction. Reminds me of my GRASS days. Cool!
[10:03:29 AM] Jody Gar... says: (wonders what evils lurk the the background of our friend andrea - but happy he understands Rob)
[10:03:49 AM] Rob Atki... says: I've asked for a bit of a statement of requirements - I then need to run it past you guys to see how much is required...
[10:04:20 AM] Rob Atki... says: jsut a heads up at this stage.
[10:04:26 AM] Jody Gar... says: cool.
[10:04:43 AM] Andrea A... says: Well, profile extraction is just "strange" in take it takes a coverage and a path in input and output an "hystogram"
[10:05:53 AM] Jody Gar... says: Cameron Shorter was looking into making a community module to do reverse geocoding, aka find the line near the dot. I would like to promote any random people you meet to follow the same path ... ie set up a geoserver module.
[10:06:13 AM] Jody Gar... says: the more modules we can "host" the more of a "web toolbox" geoserver will become...
[10:06:38 AM] Jody Gar... says: 3) Development short term
[10:07:03 AM] Jody Gar... says: This comes down to the interactions between 1.4.x -> 1.4.0 and WCS -> 1.5 as I understand it?
[10:08:11 AM] Andrea A... says: 1.5 is a bit far away?
[10:09:15 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think it is rather close ...
[10:09:16 AM] Alessio F... says: honestly I have not yet understood what are the ideas for the different releases ... however I'm working on debugging GeoServer 1.4.x and maintaining aligned GeoServer 1.4.x + WCS with the trunk
[10:09:18 AM] Rob Atki... says: sounds like WCS is nearly ready with 1.4 - cant we try to make it a 1.4 milestone and minimise the potential for more delays? Whats the risks?
[10:09:26 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4.0 is supposed to be no change of functionality, just the module system
[10:09:50 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.5.0 is WCS (we can put out an alpha right away) and mostly will be held up by documentation requirements?
[10:10:13 AM] Jody Gar... says: the risk is documentation, 1.4.0 is ready to go with developer doc pages now
[10:10:35 AM] Jody Gar... says: and to make a 1.5 release we will need user documentation updated, and that will take a certaint amount of time
[10:10:50 AM] Jody Gar... says: (I have not seen any prototype user docs in GEOSDEV yet have I allessio?)
[10:10:59 AM] Rob Atki... says: so its really a "market perception" issue
[10:11:15 AM] Jody Gar... says: It would be wonderful to announce 1.5.0 at FOSS4G.
[10:11:23 AM] Rob Atki... says: we need to make people develop against 1.5 alpha or we diverge angain is what I'm syaing...
[10:11:30 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think it is the difference between "project" and product... so yes Rob.
[10:11:48 AM] Jody Gar... says: Ah, no more diverging :slight_smile:
[10:12:00 AM] Alessio F... says: no, we need documentation for 1.5.0 and WCS
[10:12:19 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4.x seems to be ready, the geotools release we need is held up as Richard has some exams (we tried to ask for volunteer help last night).
[10:12:32 AM] Jody Gar... says: If we want 1.4.x out we can pitch in and punt out a geotools release though...
[10:13:02 AM] Rob Atki... says: so, from a maintenance perspective we need to have developers working against 1.5, skipping 1.4, and move core maintenance effort to 1.4 ASAP?
[10:13:14 AM] Jody Gar... says: then with 1.4.0 out we can move trunk over to geotools trunk, and start wrapping up both for a 1.5 release... hopefuly while docs are made?
[10:13:19 AM] simboss1... says: hi all
[10:13:33 AM] Jody Gar... says: from maintance point of vew developers need to be on trunk.
[10:13:40 AM] Jody Gar... says: and working on "modules"...
[10:13:57 AM] Jody Gar... says: what modules make the cut for a release depend on meeting QA and documentation standards...
[10:14:17 AM] Jody Gar... says: ... hope that makes sense.
[10:14:17 AM] Rob Atki... says: which is 1.4 at the moment?, so the issue is getting 1.4 + WCS onto trunk?
[10:14:32 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4 is on trunk, we have the documentation ready.
[10:14:47 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think we just need some leadership, and a geotools release.
[10:14:57 AM] Jody Gar... says: (even a geotools RC would do)
[10:15:01 AM] Rob Atki... says: or is WCS a module that can be released separately (so why 1.5 - sorry to be so thick)
[10:15:27 AM] Jody Gar... says: ah, I think because 1.5 would represent a change to the "product" .. with a whole new service WCS.
[10:15:40 AM] Andrea A... says: And also because the user interface is not modular
[10:15:54 AM] Andrea A... says: If we have WCS on trunk we do have also its ui, right?
[10:16:00 AM] Jody Gar... says: 1.4 also represents a change to the "product" a new module system so you can safely use GeoServer as a platform for your spatial web application development.
[10:16:09 AM] Andrea A... says: So as long we don't have a modular UI, we can't really cherry pick modules, or not?
[10:16:12 AM] Jody Gar... says: I think Alessio has a ui?
[10:16:17 AM] Jody Gar... says: Alessio?
[10:16:31 AM] Alessio F... says: wcs could be released as a module right now, the problem is the web interface ... we should find a way to hide the voices related to the wcs
[10:16:42 AM] Andrea A... says: What I do mean, is that you cannot merge wcs now and then release 1.4.0 without wcs because its ui will be around
[10:16:58 AM] Alessio F... says: exactly
[10:17:24 AM] Jody Gar... says: thinking ... darn struts!
[10:17:52 AM] Jody Gar... says: can we comment out some XML? Nope ... can we ask spring to process some xml produced a merged file and then ask struts to read the merged file?
[10:17:59 AM] Jody Gar... says: (andrea stop me if that is crazy)
[10:18:00 AM] Rob Atki... says: ahh - makes a bit more sense to me now...
[10:18:23 AM] Andrea A... says: Rob, the problem is that whilst the code is modular, the ui is still a monolith
[10:19:12 AM] Alessio F... says: a quick solution could be to insert a control against the session variabiles
[10:19:18 AM] Jody Gar... says: can we run a seperate struts config for the WCS module? (I know struts can be broken up somehow)
[10:19:19 AM] Rob Atki... says: Hmm - i've been avoiding the UI for ages because its just all wrong - it is about exposing your private perisistence layer as if someone else would care about them.
[10:19:47 AM] Jody Gar... says: ah the guilt - I know it is bad, but it was the best we could do at the time :wink:
[10:20:00 AM] Rob Atki... says: Death to it I say. Or at least dont discriminate against modules that ry to do something more sensible, even by configuration files :slight_smile:
[10:20:34 AM] Jody Gar... says: tempting rob, but geoServer 1.3.x is a success for a reason, the user experience was improved.
[10:20:44 AM] Jody Gar... says: I cannot think of a faster way to lose the ground we gained.
[10:21:01 AM] Rob Atki... says: Kill it gently then :slight_smile:
[10:21:05 AM] Jody Gar... says: now if the sensible thing was a servlet or spring based web ui fine, but not config files.
[10:21:33 AM] Jody Gar... says: would like to have a "sample" good way to do it, and then ween the app off STRUTS slowley like a crack additct.
[10:21:50 AM] Jody Gar... says: (perhaps I have the wrong drug for the analogy to work)
[10:22:16 AM] Rob Atki... says: Some means to decouple the UI from the config load - so that the UI loaded a module/ datastore at a time would buy as the ability to protect modules from it
[10:22:19 AM] Andrea A... says: Hum, spring MVC seems the most similar framework to struts I know
[10:22:33 AM] Andrea A... says: looking on their docs/forums to see if it can be made modular
[10:23:07 AM] Alessio F... says: yes Andrea, I was thinking the same thing
[10:23:25 AM] Alessio F... says: we could try to use the Spring MVC
[10:23:41 AM] Jody Gar... says: Well rather then a technical solution we can go for the social solution: release 1.4.0 as soon as we can and get WCS onto trunk...
[10:23:41 AM] Rob Atki... says: I need to turn into a pumpkin about now..
[10:23:45 AM] Andrea A... says: (not that I like much action oriented frameworks, as a Swing developer I'd prefer jsf or wicked, aka component based :P)
[10:23:58 AM] Jody Gar... says: don't forget your slipper rob....
[10:24:06 AM] Andrea A... says: Jody, that's the best short them solution
[10:24:29 AM] Jody Gar... says: guys we are almost 30 mins over our meeting time, we should kick out the lights soon.
[10:24:32 AM] Rob Atki... says: OK - I concur.
[10:24:53 AM] Jody Gar... says: (part of why we can get a meeting during the day is that it has a set time limit, I am not the best at running them that way...)
[10:24:58 AM] Jody Gar... says: (brent is way better)
[10:25:36 AM] Jody Gar... says: Let's hope the evening crew can establish a 1.4.x timeline then ...
[10:25:44 AM] Alessio F... says: ok, we can try to find some solutions and then make proposals
[10:26:10 AM] Jody Gar... says: nice approach :wink:
[10:26:40 AM] Jody Gar... says: I will gather the logs, the chat window can stay open ...

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Geoserver-devel mailing list


Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project

Still reading will provide feedback after.

*Jesse_Eichar77* seems pretty quiet
*sfarber* excellent, that means my IRC isn't busted.
*sfarber* Anyone try to build Alessio's 1.4.x_merge_wcs branch against gt-trunk yet?
*cholmes* I think this two meeting time isn't working out so well.
*cholmes* It seems to just split the energy.
*sfarber* gah. That's too bad because the other time is 2:30am my time.
*cholmes* Mine too...
*groldan* yeah, seems to. I'm not currently able to attend the morning one, though will be the next month or so
*sfarber* Hmm, seems like the current problem (as in right now) is that Brent couldn't make this meeting and run it. Shall we just have a meeting on our own?
*groldan* I'm just coming from a short vacation and reading this morning's log. So if someone have an agenda item we could make it
*cholmes* Sure!
*sfarber* gabriel, where are you finding this morning's log?
*cholmes* we can use their same agenda.
*cholmes* 0) What's everyone up to? 1) PSC yeah 2) FOSS4G publicity 3) development short term.
*groldan* I've got it on my skype window
*cholmes* sfarber: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/2006/07/25/Skype+Logs+July+25th
*groldan* now I see they're on the devel list too
*sfarber* sweet, thanks.
*cholmes* I sent a reply on their conversation to the devel list.
--- sfarber has changed the topic to: "What's Everyone Up To?"
*cholmes* On topic 3.
*cholmes* groldan, what're you up to?
*cholmes* I've seen some emails from someone in your company to udig list?
*groldan* I'm doing uDig stuff right now, but Mauricio is going to work on the HTTP binding for our CSW2 work
*groldan* so I actually have a topic for geoserver:
*cholmes* Cool. Any thoughts on your CSW2 stuff coming in as a part of GeoServer?
*groldan* I would like to base that CSW2 stuff on geoserver core
*groldan* still pending the licensing issue
*cholmes* If we get lgpl if I remember correct? I'd like the license issue to probably be the second thing the PSC tackles, after forming itself.
*groldan* since there are chances that they'll donate it under an open licence in the future
*cholmes* We're going to have to get contributor agreements, hopefully can get a lawyer to help, and that will also allow us to change licenses more easily in the future if need be.
*groldan* In the mean time, I guess I could ask topp for a letter allowing us to base it on 1.4.x main?
*groldan* or something like that
*cholmes* Legally I'm not sure that we really have all the rights to it.
*cholmes* But we can put together saying that our portion of the code is/will be LGPL...
*cholmes* which is probably a majority...
*groldan* I could just get rid of using geos as a freamework and build a couple servlets myself, but I'm just trying to bet on getting it alltogether in the longer term
*cholmes* Cool, I'm pretty confident we will manage it, no one seems against it, we just have to do the legal right thing. But we can easily write that it's our intention...
*cholmes* And that we're not going to enforce the GPL on stuff made off of the current stuff, ect.
*groldan* nice, that would be enough for me to have something to work on 'in the mean time' I guess
*cholmes* Ok, let's discuss offline. I can write a letter on our letterhead and send it, we can figure out what exactly it should say...
*groldan* since finishing up this stuff involves merging some contributions to geotools and geoapi, but basically nothing new to geoserver but developing a new "plugin"
*cholmes* probably should do one for BST as well.
*cholmes* sfarber, what're you up to? Trying to serve rasters I take it?
*sfarber* Yeah, some of that.
*sfarber* I'm getting our system synced up with the latest geoservers (moving from 1.3.2-based branch to 1.4.x-based trunk), and
*sfarber* then going to gomake sure my ArcSDE "unique-id column" logic made it into geotools trunk. Then I'd like to take a stab at ArcSDE based rasters, but I really have no idea what that will entail.
*cholmes* Cool. Did you ever manage to actually get your commit rights going? I'm pretty positive you got the requisite votes.
*sfarber* Also, I'm working on porting our web-based dataviewer (OLIVER http://maps.massgis.state.ma.us/massgis_viewer/) over to use geoserver for vector drawing.
*sfarber* Yeah, commit rights ...
*cholmes* cool.
*sfarber* I got the xircles account, but I don't think I got a despot to give me commit to the actual repository
*cholmes* You're listed as a project developer actually: http://xircles.codehaus.org/projects/geoserver/members
*cholmes* So I think Justin probably got you in.
*cholmes* As for me, the only thing interesting I've been up to is: http://geo.openplans.org/cholmes/tiger.html
*cholmes* We had mikeb, our intern, make some nicer SLD's, and got things working with Saul's squid stuff.
*cholmes* I hope to announce it soon as a demo site, http://sigma.openplans.org will be the location.
*cholmes* Is owlman around? He had an interesting email on udig.
*cholmes* Playing with uml modeling of featureType stuff.
*cholmes* Though actually, he's in australia, so the chances of him actually being on are very slim.
*cholmes* As for the rest of the topics, not sure how much we have to say....
*cholmes* PSC is picked, I need to make an official motion.
*cholmes* groldan or sfarber, either of you going to foss4g conference?
*cholmes* It looks like I'll make it.
*sfarber* Nope, I'll be in NZ on my honeymoon.
*groldan* I'm not :frowning:
*cholmes* Ah congratulations Saul. That sounds like more fun than talking to a bunch of geo geeks :wink:
*cholmes* That's too bad groldan, we'll miss you.
*sfarber* thanks. I'll try to make it next year, though.
*cholmes* And I don't think any of us are doing much in the way of short term development.
*groldan* yeah, thanks. I was hoping to be able until the last minute, but don't looks like it'll be possible
*cholmes* Any other topics?
*groldan* not really here
*sfarber* nope, I'm good.
*cholmes* Cool, thanks for chatting. Any volunteers to post our little chat?
*groldan* np
*groldan* I'll do
*sfarber* I can do it. Any action items to highlight?
*sfarber* I defer to groldan
*cholmes* cool. Not really, just say we met and reviewed the topics from the morning.
*groldan* ok, thanks for attending. Hope we can fix the timing soon

Now with summary.... They did not add agenda items but did cover two more points added as 5) License and 6) commit rights confirmation

0) What is every one up to?
Very interesting updates ...

1) PSC Yeah
Chris is going to kick the proposal process off....

2) Publicity/FOSS4G

The part I really wanted an update on Chris was publicity plans for FOSS4G, can you provide a summary of what TOPP is doing right now?

Idea: I would like to try and grab a GeoTools table, with GeoServer being represented in its three flavours. Stable, WCS and Community Schema. There is also enough "action" split across the various development lists that we could consider hosting a BOF session etc...

3) Development short term

It seems the idea of getting 1.4.x out as soon as possible has met wide agreement.

I do need to put the breaks on GeoTools trunk, Andrea has turned up some very hard magic dependencies on GeoAPI this week, someone is going to have to sort things out before I can recommend switching...

5) License (Temporary) for Gabriel

Their are some licensing issues Chris Holmes is going to sort out as a temporary measure for Gabriel and Bluesphere, and it sounds like a change of license will be presented as one of the first proposals (Chris does not start easy on us).
I really liked seeing the module system idea opening up opportunities for Gabriel to use GeoServer as a base.

6) commit rights confirmation
Chris thought justin had set this up, can we get a confirmation? Or bother Justin as the friendly despot to tag sfaber in.


2) Publicity/FOSS4G

The part I really wanted an update on Chris was publicity plans for FOSS4G, can you provide a summary of what TOPP is doing right now?

TOPP is for sure doing one workshop, and Justin has submitted for a technical session on the new developer focused GeoServer stuff. I've submitted for a session on geodata participation stuff, which isn't too GeoServer specific, but which implies GeoServer.

Idea: I would like to try and grab a GeoTools table, with GeoServer being represented in its three flavours. Stable, WCS and Community Schema. There is also enough "action" split across the various development lists that we could consider hosting a BOF session etc...

Sounds good. I think a general java-geotools BOF would be very good. And a table sounds good too.

3) Development short term

It seems the idea of getting 1.4.x out as soon as possible has met wide agreement.

I do need to put the breaks on GeoTools trunk, Andrea has turned up some very hard magic dependencies on GeoAPI this week, someone is going to have to sort things out before I can recommend switching...

5) License (Temporary) for Gabriel

Their are some licensing issues Chris Holmes is going to sort out as a temporary measure for Gabriel and Bluesphere, and it sounds like a change of license will be presented as one of the first proposals (Chris does not start easy on us).
I really liked seeing the module system idea opening up opportunities for Gabriel to use GeoServer as a base.

Yes. We'll discuss this, but my thoughts right now are just lgpl for the core, and then gpl for wfs/wms. So Bluesphere will need some sort of modified license - I think we should discuss a process for giving out commercial or at least more commercial friendly licenses. I was approached by an Indian company that wanted to use us in a bid, but also couldn't because of GPL. I'd like to figure out some way we can allow that to happen.

6) commit rights confirmation
Chris thought justin had set this up, can we get a confirmation? Or bother Justin as the friendly despot to tag sfaber in.

Yeah, Saul seems to be in.

best regards,



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opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
Geoserver-devel mailing list


Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project


Are there any resources out there for compiling and debugging GeoServer
using Netbeans 5?



Adit Santokhee wrote:


Are there any resources out there for compiling and debugging GeoServer
using Netbeans 5?

We would love some help putting that together, right now only the eclipse users have stepped forward.

If you are game, create an account and we can create a couple of pages for you to fill in. Um I think if you follow
the eclipse instructions you will see we just let maven create the IDE files.

You should find a maven target that will set up geoserver as netbeans project in a similar manner ... hope this helps.

Adit Santokhee ha scritto:


Are there any resources out there for compiling and debugging GeoServer
using Netbeans 5?

Please note that I haven't used Netbeans in ages, but anyway,
you may have luck using this in order to get the sources into the ide:

For proper compilation, use maven. For debugging, the same, launch
jetty as suggested in the eclipse quickstart (http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOSDEV/3+Eclipse+Quickstart)
and starting a remote debugging from Netbeans.

Andrea Aime