I've run into a bit of a wall styling my maps. I've got a dataset that
describes some of our ranches. I want to be able to label the map with the
ranch name, the acreage and the year planted. I read the SLD reference PDF
and saw that there is a mixed="true" option set for the TextSymbolizer. Is
this functioning in the Geoserver implementation? If not, is there a good
work around so that I can get the labeling to work?
<Label mixed="true">
<ogc:PropertyName>ranch</ogc:PropertyName> -
<CssParameter name="font-family">Arial</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="font-style">Normal</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="font-size">8</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="fill">#000000</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="fill-opacity">1</CssParameter>