[Geoserver-devel] SLD-Reference

Hello list,

I tried out to set an sld-reference in a wms-getMap-request like:


or with styles-info for library-mode:

but without any graphical response, only with black-lined state-bounderies (in my feature-info default=normal), have I done something wrong???

further questions:
-Not a long time ago, there was a discussion about getting data out of the database with problems because the ogc-filtering didn't work inside of sld-rules (problems with SAX and DOM). I have lost the wire. Is there a solution now, please tell me, if so?
-The entry in the getCapabilities-document of the wms looks like:
<UserDefinedSymbolization SupportSLD="0" UserLayer="0" UserStyle="0" RemoteWFS="0"/>
does the 0 mean that the particualier attribute isnt supported? For remoteWFS and userLayer, I would understand it as I learned that geoserver wms is a integrated one, but why not supportSLD or UserStyle, I am a little bit confused, please clear me up again??!!??

Best regards, Sven Tschirner

Best regards

Hi Sven,
which GeoServer version are you working with?
I suspect one prior to 1.3 beta.
If so, please try the latest one, which should manage your filters properly
and capabilities retrurns

<UserDefinedSymbolization SupportSLD="1" UserLayer="1" UserStyle="1"

If still having problems please send them back to us.



On Monday 18 July 2005 11:22, Sven Tschirner wrote:

Hello list,

I tried out to set an sld-reference in a wms-getMap-request like:


or with styles-info for library-mode:

but without any graphical response, only with black-lined state-bounderies
(in my feature-info default=normal), have I done something wrong???

further questions:
-Not a long time ago, there was a discussion about getting data out of the
database with problems because the ogc-filtering didn't work inside of
sld-rules (problems with SAX and DOM). I have lost the wire. Is there a
solution now, please tell me, if so? -The entry in the
getCapabilities-document of the wms looks like:
<UserDefinedSymbolization SupportSLD="0" UserLayer="0" UserStyle="0"
RemoteWFS="0"/> does the 0 mean that the particualier attribute isnt
supported? For remoteWFS and userLayer, I would understand it as I learned
that geoserver wms is a integrated one, but why not supportSLD or
UserStyle, I am a little bit confused, please clear me up again??!!??

Best regards, Sven Tschirner

Best regards

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