[Geoserver-devel] SLD support in WMS

Hello again,

Actually I have another question about SLD support. I am used to handle pretty complex SLD documents, in particular with Filter tags. Is SLD version 1.0 well supported in your WMS.

Thanks in advance for your response

Charles Kolbowicz

Quoting Charles Kolbowicz <Charles.Kolbowicz@anonymised.com>:

Hello again,

Actually I have another question about SLD support. I am used to
pretty complex SLD documents, in particular with Filter tags. Is SLD
version 1.0 well supported in your WMS.

SLD version 1.0 is pretty strong. It was written in geotools. The
Filter in SLD should be _very_ strong, as the same parsers and geotools
code are used by GeoServer. You may discover a few _minor_ bugs, there
is a current bug I'm looking into with multi point layers and sld. But
in general I believe it should meet your needs, and would love bug
reports on problems with it.

best regards,


Thanks in advance for your response

Charles Kolbowicz

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