I added validation of SLD (and the XML WMS GetMap) when you send custom
SLD to the server.
Its normally off, but you can activate it by adding
"&validateSchema=true" to you your URL.
If the schema is valid, the server will respond normally.
If your schema isnt valid, then you'll get a service exception with a
very long error message in it - just like the fancy one that occurs
when you try to upload an invalid style file.
ps. I turned off validation for the SLD <InlineFeature> tag - you can
stick anything you want in there. I did this because its *really*
*really* *really* hard to formulate a request that will properly
validate. You also have to have a (correct) .xsd schema file for
your custom features, and it has to be retrievable from the server.
The current InlineFeature parser is pretty loud if you make a mistake
so I dont imagine this will affect anyone too badly.
It validates the rest of the document normally.
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