today I was looking into the set of dependencies of a custom
GeoServer build that uses the csv, sldService, restConfig
and geowebcache modules on 1.6.x and noticed some extra jars
in the list that raised my curiosity.
RestConfig depends on Jaxen, yet I removed it from
the Eclipse classpath and no compile error appeared. Are they
really necessary?
SLDService depends on XOM, which again does not really seem to
be necessary. Anyone knows otherwise?
GeoWebCache module in GeoServer pulls in jcs (indirectly)
which happens to depend on a wider set of jars, some of
them conflicting with ones we have in GeoServer already
(but with a differetn version or sub-package, such as
commons-beanutils and commons-logging). Do we use JCS at
all? If not the dependency in GWC module could just
exclude the transitive JCS dependency (web module has
some examples).
On Thursday 10 July 2008 08:59:21 Andrea Aime wrote:
today I was looking into the set of dependencies of a custom
GeoServer build that uses the csv, sldService, restConfig
and geowebcache modules on 1.6.x and noticed some extra jars
in the list that raised my curiosity.
RestConfig depends on Jaxen, yet I removed it from
the Eclipse classpath and no compile error appeared. Are they
really necessary?
The functionality that required Jaxen has been moved to the rest module, so
RESTConfig doesn't directly depend on it any more. I'll remove the
dependency; thanks for catching this Andrea.
SLDService depends on XOM, which again does not really seem to
be necessary. Anyone knows otherwise?
GeoWebCache module in GeoServer pulls in jcs (indirectly)
which happens to depend on a wider set of jars, some of
them conflicting with ones we have in GeoServer already
(but with a differetn version or sub-package, such as
commons-beanutils and commons-logging). Do we use JCS at
all? If not the dependency in GWC module could just
exclude the transitive JCS dependency (web module has
some examples).
Andrea Aime wrote:
today I was looking into the set of dependencies of a custom
GeoServer build that uses the csv, sldService, restConfig
and geowebcache modules on 1.6.x and noticed some extra jars
in the list that raised my curiosity.
RestConfig depends on Jaxen, yet I removed it from
the Eclipse classpath and no compile error appeared. Are they
really necessary?
SLDService depends on XOM, which again does not really seem to
be necessary. Anyone knows otherwise?
GeoWebCache module in GeoServer pulls in jcs (indirectly)
which happens to depend on a wider set of jars, some of
them conflicting with ones we have in GeoServer already
(but with a differetn version or sub-package, such as
commons-beanutils and commons-logging). Do we use JCS at
all? If not the dependency in GWC module could just
exclude the transitive JCS dependency (web module has
some examples).
Darn... I was sure I had removed JCS weeks ago, I guess something got in between. I will remove it from GeoWebCache before the end of the day, thanks for pointing it out.
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