[Geoserver-devel] Some GeoAPI info regarding DataStores and Filters

For those that might not be following GeoAPI closely, the FeatureStore
API that is now in GeoAPI is intended as an eventual replacement for the
current Geoserver DataStore.

The OGC Filter is pretty weak in terms of raw expressive
power - but it does allow you to do quite a bit.

SYS has done an implementation of the Filter API's which are checked
into the GeoAPI repository.

I do mention, at the bottom of the summary page, a few
thoughts on joining two datasets together. Jody's done more
thinking on this than I.

We've been thinking about this as well, and believe it should be
possible to write a generalized "Join FeatureStore" that would allow any
two arbitrary feature stores to have a join operation performed on them.


For those that might not be following GeoAPI closely, the FeatureStore
API that is now in GeoAPI is intended as an eventual replacement for the
current Geoserver DataStore.

Yeah, I remain less than convinced that it will handle all the locking
properly, as that part of the api felt very tacked on to me. The current
Locking API went through many design iterations to get it to fully handle
the needs of WFS locking. And I am not too excited about GeoServer
serving as the guinea pig for the new locking API, so I don't think we'll
be switching over to those interfaces for awhile, unless someone is
willing to do the work to get the new api completely passing the cite

> The OGC Filter is pretty weak in terms of raw expressive
> power - but it does allow you to do quite a bit.

SYS has done an implementation of the Filter API's which are checked
into the GeoAPI repository.

> I do mention, at the bottom of the summary page, a few
> thoughts on joining two datasets together. Jody's done more
> thinking on this than I.

We've been thinking about this as well, and believe it should be
possible to write a generalized "Join FeatureStore" that would allow any
two arbitrary feature stores to have a join operation performed on them.

Have you actually written code to support it? I definitely believe it's
possible to write a generalized join featurestore, but it's meaningless
until there is code behind it that demonstrates itself against a number of
use cases. Coming up with an api that says 'join' is easy, backing it
with a real implementation is a lot harder, just like locking. How are
you planning on doing arbitrary joins?
