Still getting to grips with geoserver - I am using it as a WFS and
WMS. It is mainly in the WMS that I have a few questions. I am using
the Oracle data store and developing some JSP pages.
The WMS is not as quite as stable as WFS, so that's understandable. For
1.3 I'm looking to put it in solid order, so you're feedback here will
be great.
1. First, how can you add a FeatureType outside of the admin pages ?
I have added some Oracle tables but they are so big, the page hangs
and sometimes times out. Does geoserver go off to calculate
boundaries ? If so, this could take a very long time and I know them
already. I tried making a new directory in data/FeatureTypes by
copying another directory and editing the file but geoserver doesn't
seem to pick up the new layer. What else do you need to do for
geoserver to recognise it ?
Yeah, I think GeoServer does try to recalculate the boundaries. That
would actually be a nice option to allow the admin to turn off or on.
Or perhaps just wait for people to use the generateBBOX button.
If that is what is taking along time then I may have a quick fix for
you, just comment out line 98 of
org.vfny.geoserver.action.data.DataFeatureTypesNewAction.java, the one
that has the call to DataStoreUtils.getBoundingBoxEnvelope(fs). But
I'm not positive that's what is taking so long, I'll try to do some
testing, as I myself have noticed some big tables taking awhile.
As for getting geoserver to pick up a featureType layer, it sounds like
you've takenthe right approach. Just make a new directory and edit an
info.xml file that is made for a FeatureType in the same datastore. It
should refer to the datastore containing the table by the datastoreid
as the datastore attribute. And the name element should be the name of
the table (be sure it is in all caps, or oracle won't recognize it).
And be sure it has a default style.
2. Styling - I have created some of my own SLDs and they work OK.
a. Updates to the SLD files only seem to get picked up after an
application server restart. Anyway to force a reload when you call
the WMS or via the Java API ?
You mean if you're editing the SLD files on disk? If you hit 'load'
from the web admin tool I believe it should pick up the changes. If
you're upload SLD files through the web admin tool I believe you should
be able to just hit 'apply', but you may need 'save' and then 'load'.
Programmatically it's done in org.vfny.geoserver.action.LoadXMLAction,
an 'execute' call will do it.
b. Labelling - I have added TextSymbolizer within my some of my
<Rule> tags but the whole map goes whitye when I do this. FIELD is
the name of the field in the table that I want to label with
<CssParameter name="font-family">Serif</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="font-Size">10</CssParameter>
Sounds like a bug in geotools. I can forward this to that list.
c. Cartographic Text. Is there any support in the WMS for achieving
rotation, alignment and so on on text strings ? I have a table with
point geometries and values for rotation where those points represent
where text from another field should appear. Before I spend time
fiddling with SLDs, can someone confirm that this is supported and
does anyone have any samples or examples ?
I think this may not be supported. I remember that the SLD spec is
fairly vague on placement of text. Let's ask geotools about this as
d. Is there anyway to write an SLD and then use it for symbolisation,
without having to configure it within geoserver admin pages ? Perhaps
post it as part of the request to the WMS ? Or perhaps write it to
the styles directory ?
Yes, this is on my list for 1.3, to make a SLD-enabled WMS. It's in the
OGC specs, you can specify the sld as part of the request, and I think
you can also do a putSLD, which for us would be writing it directly to
the styles directory. They're extensions to the WMS spec. If you're
interested in this I can point you in the right directions, and I can
also bump it up on my priority list, if you can test and use it. I may
be able to get it done in 2 weeks or so.
best regards,
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