[Geoserver-devel] spanish localization update

Hi all,

I've updated the ApplicationResources_es.properties file to reflect the
missing strings in spanish.
I did it though with the Eclipse ResourceBundle Editor plugin
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipse-rbe/), which means it indented the
lines like in the attached snip.

I'm fine with it, since I don't think i18n'ization should suffer of the same
formatting concerns than source code regarding to the complexity of tracking
changes through svn history.

So I would like to hear from you, if its ok I'll just commit (and recommend
that plugin for other translators).


Gabriel Roldán (groldan@anonymised.com)
Axios Engineering (http://www.axios.es)
Tel. +34 944 41 63 84
Fax. +34 944 41 64 90


resources_snip.txt (749 Bytes)

Eduin Carrillo recently submitted a patch for a spanish update. See: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-664

Does this update more than that? The resource editor sounds good though, could you add the information to: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOSDOC/Maintaining+Translations ?


Gabriel Roldán wrote:

Hi all,

I've updated the ApplicationResources_es.properties file to reflect the missing strings in spanish. I did it though with the Eclipse ResourceBundle Editor plugin (https://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipse-rbe/), which means it indented the lines like in the attached snip.

I'm fine with it, since I don't think i18n'ization should suffer of the same formatting concerns than source code regarding to the complexity of tracking changes through svn history.

So I would like to hear from you, if its ok I'll just commit (and recommend that plugin for other translators).



config.data.calculateBoundingBox.label = Generar
config.data.calculateBoundingBox.short = Calcula el rectángulo que engloba una entidad
config.data.calculateBoundingBox.title = Calcular caja de encuadre
config.data.calculateBoundingBox.words = (Entidad) (Información espacial) (Caja de encuadre)
config.data.label = Datos
config.data.namespace.editor.label = Editar
config.data.namespace.editor.short = Editar el prefijo y el URI para el espacio de nombres GML
config.data.namespace.editor.title = Editor del espacio de nombres
config.data.namespace.editor.words = (GML) (Espacio de nombres) (prefijo)


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The Open Planning Project