Hi folks,
I spent today trying to get the cite tests back in shape. Here is where things are at.
- wfs-1.0.0
There were a number of DescribeFeatureType test failures introduced by some behaviour that was brought in by WFS 2.0. Basically, and I need to check this again with the wfs 2.0 spec, the spec mandates that in a case where a DescribeFeatureType or GetFeature includes types from different namespaces that the schema should still declare a target namespace, the namespace of the first feature type. Anyways, this behaviour causes a validation failure in the wfs 1.0 schema validator.
Disabling this restores the cite tests. I am going to look into the wfs 2.0 schema and verify this requirement. However there is a wfs 2.0 unit test that fails with this behaviour taken out.
- wfs-1.1.0
This one is a sad story. Unfortunately the wfs 1.1 cite tests (at least the version we currently run) are not meant to be run in the context of wfs 2.0. They basically have the same problem that the wcs 1.0 cite tests have in that the wcs 1.0 tests can’t pass if the wcs 1.1 service is active. Most of the failures are due to the assumption that 1.1 is highest version of the service available. There are a few other failures as well, but they seem fairly fixable.
So unfortunately the version issues leave us in a tricky spot. The solution for the problem on the wcs side is simply to remove wcs 1.1 while running the wcs 1.0 tests. Which is easy since it is its own module. But wfs doesn’t have this same luxury.
It could be that more recent versions of the tests don’t have these issues but unfortunately updating to the latest version of them is not trivial. Unfortunately geoserver doesn’t even pass the sanity checks any longer due to changes in the wfs 1.1 schema. Funny how software can be compliant one day, not change anything, and the next day be non-compliant.
So as i see it we have three options.
We disable the tests that make assumptions about the highest service version. All in all this about a 15-20 tests out of about 500.
We attempt to factor out wfs 2.0 into a separate module and disable it during the wfs 1.1 tests, the same solution we apply for wcs. For the most part this would probably just amount to factoring out just the bean definitions, but not sure if it would go any further than that. The minute we have to start moving code out of the main wfs module it becomes a pretty sizeable and ugly task.
We bite the bullet and upgrade to the latest version of the cite tests and work with the cite team to deal with these issues, ideally getting patches submitted for fixing stuff like this. Obviously long term this is the most sustainable and robust solution but it also means we won’t be passing wfs 1.1 cite any time soon. It is also worth noting that the wfs 2.0 cite tests are going to be developed soon so eventually we are going to have to run a newer version of the tests if we want to be 2.0 compliant.
All things considered I think for now we should just apply solution (1). But at the same time start gradually working toward (3). WHich actually should be coming up as a priority for us at OpenGeo relatively soon as we have had some clients asking about cite compliance.
- wms 1.3
The failures here are straight forward, just due to some mime types not matching output format names. Should be straight forward fix.
That’s it that’s all.
Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.