[Geoserver-devel] Status of complex feature types in GeoServer WFS

Hello all,

What is the current status of complex feature type support in GeoServer? When will support be merged into the main GeoServer branch? I would be grateful for any information you could provide.

Thank you,
Dustin Parker

Hi David, and others interested,

The complex feature support (a superset of a basic ability to implement a client-facing “community” schema, instead of a persistence-driven local schema) is being put through some fairly rigorous testing against real data at the moment.

https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/twiki/bin/view/Infosrvices/GeoserverDevelopment - links to planning and download, or instruction on how to build the modules in yourself.

As soon as we we have the GeoSciML testbed concluded next month we’ll move to porting and testing the functionality against the Geoserver 1.7 and trunk. At that point we hope to re-enable WMS support, for instance.

It would be helpful to know you requirements - what schema you are aiming at, and how complex the features you need are, so we can factor those requirements into our planning.

Rob Atkinson

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 5:18 AM, Dustin Parker <dparker@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello all,

What is the current status of complex feature type support in
GeoServer? When will support be merged into the main GeoServer branch?
I would be grateful for any information you could provide.

Thank you,

Dustin Parker

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