[Geoserver-devel] Trying to make a 2.21-M0 Milestone (wish me luck)

With everyone busy, I thought I would try and make a 2.21-M0 milestone release (as I would like public feedback from log4j branch and I understand it is a large pull request to review).
The procedure to do so asks the build_release.sh script to build geotools and geowebcache commits, and that functionality has not been tried out for some time…

If all goes well I can publish a milestone release source forge for public feedback, and provide an update for activity sponsors.


Jody Garnett

I am having a small amount of luck, eventually getting the build server to make a milestone release:

Feedback welcome.


Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

I tested and found some issues with reloading config which I fixed. I also had some of the leeks for DEFAULT_LOGGING set to trace which confused me :slight_smile:

With no further feedback I have uploaded to sourceforge to share with user list. I skipped deploying to maven because this is from a branch.

Please test and/or review PR, and we can make the RC once this is done.


Jody Garnett