[Geoserver-devel] Upcomming Release

So I will wait to 3.0-beta being out to start the refactoring
experiment, are you ok with it?

I'm going to try to tag a 1.3.0-beta release this afternoon. I'll send
an email out when I do the tag.

The EPSG module is now passing tests, so I think that it will be okay
very soon.

Some of the bugs I was tracking down are actually udig bugs; geoserver
was doing the right thing!

I added some POST request logging (at FINER level) so I could see what
was actually happening.

The test cases are still a little troubled. I havent actually ever run
them - is there documentation for how to run them? Do I have to deploy
a special test server (i.e. the build.xml 'test' and 'test-ext'


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