[Geoserver-devel] Update to Wicket 8

As identified at https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Jakarta-EE#wicket
we need to migrate to Wicket 10, ideally in small steps.

In support of a migration from what we currently have (Wicket 7) to Wicket
8.15.0 (or maybe later - 8.x is coming towards EOL), I have put up some work
at https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/7154

I think I've done most of the boring (but easy) parts. This is enough to get
GeoServer to the "will boot, and let you log in" stage.

I am going to need help to fix what is left.

In particular, I would like help to fix:


(which is probably the same issue affecting similar tests for WFS,WMS,WMTS,

(even a hint on what the
urlFor(IFormSubmitListener.INTERFACE, new PageParameters())
line was doing would help)

and any other testing / fixes that anyone has time for.

I'm happy for this to be on a geoserver branch if that would make it easier.

Any suggestions / assistance appreciated.



I was hoping to get organized to help coordinate testing on this one :slightly_smiling_face:

Q: Is there a separate wiki page / proposal (or is it all part of the Jakarta EE planning?).

Rough idea:

  1. Setting up a list of components to test

  2. Make a 2.25-M0 milestone release from your branch.

  3. Set up a google document to coordinate feedback

  4. And then make a day of it - perhaps towards the end of the month?

I love the idea of getting this work in for the 2.25.x release cycle, takes the pressure off 2024 roadmap.


Jody Garnett