I think for capabilities requests this is actually something the specs require, that we respond with the highest version number that is less than or equal to the specified version, and there are tests that specify the version number 99.99.99 to test that. When implementing the dispatcher we chose to extend this flexibility to the other operations. Although for non-capabilities requests I think it would be ok to throw back an error from the spec point of view to throw an exception.
I would be ok with tightening this up but wouldn’t do it on a stable branch, as it technically a contract change to all of our published services.
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Our WMS 1.3.0 GetCapabilities document, depend on GetLegendGraphics filling in the highest available version.
We have not provided a WMS 1.3.0 GetLegendGraphics mapping, although we refer to GetLegendGraphics (perhaps without version number) in the GetCapabilities document.
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