We would like to contribute to Geoserver with a community module that
implements a W3DS service.
At the moment we sent the agreement document to OpenPlans (still waiting
for feedback) and made a pull request to Geoserver.
The state of the art of the pull request is the same as described in
previous mails to the list (subject: W3DS Implementation up and
running), so basically we have access to basic operations of W3DS
(GetCapabilities, GetScene and GetTile) and the output is formatted in
X3D (model/x3d+). This urls links to some videos with demos.
In the meantime we have still working on the project, but we have facing
some issues related to core components of Geoserver. One of the main
issues was 3D Styling. The SLD don’t support the needs of 3D rendering,
so we need to extended the styling capabilities of Geoserver. For the
demos we have made an workaround, basically we hard coded that
capabilities. In the future we hope Geoserver will give a way to use
custom styles.
As a beside note on 3D visualization, and for our use case (telecom
infrastructure networks), we found that the use of KML(3D) could be a
good choice. For our prototype we hardcoded in the current KML support
the encoding of KML(3D) and also we extended SLD to support the
insertion of Collada models.
The URL bellow show what we achieve at this moment. In the video we can
see a web application (which use OpenLayers to visualize 2D data served
by Geoserver WMS) integrated with Google Earth Web Plugin to visualize
3D data. The 3D data is served in real-time by our Geoserver in KML(3D).
The 3D data served by Geoserver is fictional telecom infrastructures.
We know that some people have been working based on the top of the patch
we submitted previously, it will be nice to have a feedback from them.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Nuno Oliveira, Paulo Machado
PT Inovação
+1! Very cool stuff.
Not sure if someone at OpenPlans received the contributor agreement, i will look into that. That said I think we can go ahead and merge in the pull request.
Also, in order to allow you to continue to work on the module we should add you to the GeoServer team on github so you can commit to the module.
On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Nuno Oliveira <nuno-miguel-oliveira@anonymised.com> wrote:
We would like to contribute to Geoserver with a community module that
implements a W3DS service.
At the moment we sent the agreement document to OpenPlans (still waiting
for feedback) and made a pull request to Geoserver.
The state of the art of the pull request is the same as described in
previous mails to the list (subject: W3DS Implementation up and
running), so basically we have access to basic operations of W3DS
(GetCapabilities, GetScene and GetTile) and the output is formatted in
X3D (model/x3d+). This urls links to some videos with demos.
In the meantime we have still working on the project, but we have facing
some issues related to core components of Geoserver. One of the main
issues was 3D Styling. The SLD don’t support the needs of 3D rendering,
so we need to extended the styling capabilities of Geoserver. For the
demos we have made an workaround, basically we hard coded that
capabilities. In the future we hope Geoserver will give a way to use
custom styles.
As a beside note on 3D visualization, and for our use case (telecom
infrastructure networks), we found that the use of KML(3D) could be a
good choice. For our prototype we hardcoded in the current KML support
the encoding of KML(3D) and also we extended SLD to support the
insertion of Collada models.
The URL bellow show what we achieve at this moment. In the video we can
see a web application (which use OpenLayers to visualize 2D data served
by Geoserver WMS) integrated with Google Earth Web Plugin to visualize
3D data. The 3D data is served in real-time by our Geoserver in KML(3D).
The 3D data served by Geoserver is fictional telecom infrastructures.
We know that some people have been working based on the top of the patch
we submitted previously, it will be nice to have a feedback from them.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Best regards,
Nuno Oliveira, Paulo Machado
PT Inovação
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Justin Deoliveira
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