[Geoserver-devel] warning, changed xsd artifactId's again

Hi all,

Just a warning to anyone depending on any of the gtxml / xsd maven artifacts they have indeed changed again, let us hope for the last time.

gt-core -> gt-xsd-core
gt-gml2 -> gt-xsd-gml2
gt-gml3 -> gt-xsd-gml3
gt-filter -> gt-xsd-filter
gt-kml -> gt-xsd-kml
gt-sld -> gt-xsd-kml
gt-wps -> gt-xsd-wps

One thing that has me puzzled is why the maven verifier plugin was not complaining about gt-xsd-wfs since its directory name and artifactid did not match up.

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project