[Geoserver-devel] WCS branch and trunk/


I must admit, I've been too busy and focused getting things working on
trunk - I havent really looked at the WCS branch. I've heard nothing
but good things about it, though.

Apparently, the WCS folks are keeping their branch in step with trunk.
I dont imagine many of the change I've made will affect them (the vast
majority of them are Geotools bug fixes, but I have been doing more
actual geoserver coding recently).

There's a bunch of things I have planned. You can see the offical TODO
list here:


There's lots of things to do there. My plan over the next few weeks is
to do/look at the following:

1. Bug fixes (always lots to do)
2. Testing
3. Basic WMS, SLD, Filter, XML and WFS documentation and how to use all
the services together. Examples of processing, etc... Lots of work to
do here, but I think its pretty important.
4. SLD post (hopefully gabriel will help me on this)
5. Changes to the lite renderer so it makes pretier pictures
6. Might add some more functions to Filter/SLD (I'm hoping that james
does this - if not, i will probably not get to it soon)
7. virtual datastore and testing shapefile against cite (this will also
take quite a while)

I'm also hoping to merge some of the WCS branch back into trunk/. We'll
see how that goes.


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I just wanted to know, since I am running the wcs branch and am interested
in the reproj feature in beta3.
