[Geoserver-devel] Web site news posting

Brent Owens wrote:

Yes the developer docs from GEOSDEV have been moved over to GEOSDOC.


Maintaining the same look and feel was a little hacky, so maybe a change to the codehaus policies would pretty things up. Keeping with the guidelines will also help with clarity. Maybe we can take some time and fix any existing documentation that doesn't adhere to the guidelines.

The main guideline is to use parent/child relationship to manage the table of contents - were you able to maintain this relationship when you brought over the GEOSDEV content?

As an example of what I am talking about:
- http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOSDOC/Navigation

(this page represents the "top" level of the current documentation, it would be nice to see Users Guide and Developers Guide instead :wink: )

I think to effect this we should get around three people together to do a run at the docs (say half a day? and if we choose the afternoon we can tag over to someone from europe...)

As for speed and hosting on a TOPP server, I haven't noticed codehaus serving up the pages that slowly, but I am on a fast connection now. Anyone else still have issues with the site loading slow?

It seems great now that I am back in North America, but remember we had poor Adrian in europe resorting to docbook because codehaus+confluence was so painful.
