[Geoserver-devel] WFS 2.0 implementation

Hello everybody,

I’ve two questions considering the WFS 2.0 implementation.

  1. GetCapabilities Request

GeoServer 2.2 beta is using the „version“ parameter instead of the „acceptversions“ parameter.


Please check page 50 (Table12) of the WFS 2.0 Standard. Which parameter is the correct one?

  1. GML 2.1.2 in FES 2.0

Does GeoServer support GML 2.1.2 encoding in WFS 2.0/FES 2.0 (Example B.3.19 of the WFS 2.0 Standard - Page 146)?

Best regards
Juergen Weichand


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:46 AM, Jürgen Weichand <juergen.weichand@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello everybody,

I’ve two questions considering the WFS 2.0 implementation.

  1. GetCapabilities Request

GeoServer 2.2 beta is using the „version“ parameter instead of the „acceptversions“ parameter.


Please check page 50 (Table12) of the WFS 2.0 Standard. Which parameter is the correct one?

Both are supported, and they actually serve different purposes. “acceptversions” is meant more for version negotiation and allows the client to specify a fallback, for instance if specifying this “&acceptverisons=2.0,1.0” and the server doesn’t implement 2.0 the 1.0 capabilities document should be returned. If just “version” is used and the server doesn’t implement 2.0 then the next highest version of the service that the server does implement will be returned.

  1. GML 2.1.2 in FES 2.0

Does GeoServer support GML 2.1.2 encoding in WFS 2.0/FES 2.0 (Example B.3.19 of the WFS 2.0 Standard - Page 146)?

Yes, you should be able to get GML 2 out of WFS 2.0 by specifying the correct “outputFormat” of “text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2”. Or just “outputFormat=GML2” should work as well.

Best regards
Juergen Weichand

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today’s security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/

Geoserver-devel mailing list

Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.

Hi ,

thanks for your prompt response!


Hello everybody,

I’ve two questions considering the WFS 2.0 implementation.

  1. GetCapabilities Request

GeoServer 2.2 beta is using the „version“ parameter instead of the „acceptversions“ parameter.


Please check page 50 (Table12) of the WFS 2.0 Standard. Which parameter is the correct one?

Both are supported, and they actually serve different purposes. “acceptversions” is meant more for version negotiation and allows the client to specify a fallback, for instance if specifying this “&acceptverisons=2.0,1.0” and the server doesn’t implement 2.0 the 1.0 capabilities document should be returned. If just “version” is used and the server doesn’t implement 2.0 then the next highest version of the service that the server does implement will be returned.

The acceptversions-parameter seems not work correctly (GeoServer 2.2 beta1)

  1. GML 2.1.2 in FES 2.0

Does GeoServer support GML 2.1.2 encoding in WFS 2.0/FES 2.0 (Example B.3.19 of the WFS 2.0 Standard - Page 146)?

Yes, you should be able to get GML 2 out of WFS 2.0 by specifying the correct “outputFormat” of “text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2”. Or just “outputFormat=GML2” should work as well.

The example (B 3.19) shows how to use GML 2.1.2 in the query itself.

B.3.19 - Example 19
„Although GML 3.2 (see ISO 19136:2007) is the canonical version of GML supported by this International Standard, other versions of the GML may be used as well. The following GetFeature example includes a spatial predicate where the geometry has been encoded using GML 2.1.2“

Best regards
Juergen Weichand

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Jürgen Weichand <juergen.weichand@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi ,

thanks for your prompt response!

Am 21.05.2012 19:48, schrieb Justin Deoliveira:


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:46 AM, Jürgen Weichand <juergen.weichand@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello everybody,

I’ve two questions considering the WFS 2.0 implementation.

  1. GetCapabilities Request

GeoServer 2.2 beta is using the „version“ parameter instead of the „acceptversions“ parameter.


Please check page 50 (Table12) of the WFS 2.0 Standard. Which parameter is the correct one?

Both are supported, and they actually serve different purposes. “acceptversions” is meant more for version negotiation and allows the client to specify a fallback, for instance if specifying this “&acceptverisons=2.0,1.0” and the server doesn’t implement 2.0 the 1.0 capabilities document should be returned. If just “version” is used and the server doesn’t implement 2.0 then the next highest version of the service that the server does implement will be returned.

The acceptversions-parameter seems not work correctly (GeoServer 2.2 beta1)

  1. GML 2.1.2 in FES 2.0

Does GeoServer support GML 2.1.2 encoding in WFS 2.0/FES 2.0 (Example B.3.19 of the WFS 2.0 Standard - Page 146)?

Yes, you should be able to get GML 2 out of WFS 2.0 by specifying the correct “outputFormat” of “text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2”. Or just “outputFormat=GML2” should work as well.

The example (B 3.19) shows how to use GML 2.1.2 in the query itself.

B.3.19 - Example 19
„Although GML 3.2 (see ISO 19136:2007) is the canonical version of GML supported by this International Standard, other versions of the GML may be used as well. The following GetFeature example includes a spatial predicate where the geometry has been encoded using GML 2.1.2“

Ah ok, i understand now. So basically no, the “input format” is always assumed to be wfs 2.0 / gml 3.2. But that said the parser is pretty lax and the filter language hasn’t changed all that much between versions so some 1.0 predicates could work… but i am certain there would be some issues.

Best regards
Juergen Weichand

Best regards
Juergen Weichand

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today’s security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/

Geoserver-devel mailing list

Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.

Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.

The acceptversions-parameter seems not work correctly (GeoServer 2.2 beta1)

Also using GeoServer 2.2 beta2

  1. GML 2.1.2 in FES 2.0

Does GeoServer support GML 2.1.2 encoding in WFS 2.0/FES 2.0 (Example B.3.19 of the WFS 2.0 Standard - Page 146)?

Yes, you should be able to get GML 2 out of WFS 2.0 by specifying the correct “outputFormat” of “text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2”. Or just “outputFormat=GML2” should work as well.

The example (B 3.19) shows how to use GML 2.1.2 in the query itself.

B.3.19 - Example 19
„Although GML 3.2 (see ISO 19136:2007) is the canonical version of GML supported by this International Standard, other versions of the GML may be used as well. The following GetFeature example includes a spatial predicate where the geometry has been encoded using GML 2.1.2“

Ah ok, i understand now. So basically no, the “input format” is always assumed to be wfs 2.0 / gml 3.2. But that said the parser is pretty lax and the filter language hasn’t changed all that much between versions so some 1.0 predicates could work… but i am certain there would be some issues.

GML 2.1.2 in FES 2.0 - Example OGC WFS 2.0 Page 146 (fixed wfs 2.0 schemaLocation)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

handle=“Example Query”
xsi:schemaLocation=“http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/2.0/wfs.xsd
http://www.opengis.net/gml http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.2/geometry.xsd”>

<gml:Polygon srsName=“urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326”>
gml:coordinates-19.06099128723145,-169.9416961669922 -19.05653190612793,-169.9346008300781 -19.0523681640625,-169.9278564453125 -19.04729080200195,-169.9230346679688 -19.03918266296387,-169.9215698242188 -19.04058837890625,-169.9138641357422 -19.04656600952148,-169.9136047363281 -19.05992698669434,-169.9196014404297 -19.06432342529297,-169.9275665283203 -19.06826400756836,-169.9364929199219 -19.06099128723145,-169.9416961669922</gml:coordinates>

Best regards
Juergen Weichand