I added a colon ‘:’ character to a grid name. Is this allowed in the WMS getCapabilities? Or is this a special character? I know this isn’t the recommended naming convention but it is required and I need to go back and accurately explain why it may or may not work.
Where in the geoserver code is the WMS getCapabilities name set?
For example: imagery:goes_13.infrared.1km
In the WCS getCapabilities the identifier has the correct name
ows:Titleinfrared-goes_13 1km</ows:Title>
<ows:Metadata metadataType=“other” xlink:type=“simple” xlink:href=“/rest/metadata?request=getMetadata&layer=imagery:goes_13.infrared.1km”/>
ows:LowerCorner-120.0038771 -65.0093883</ows:LowerCorner>
ows:UpperCorner-44.9961229 65.0093883</ows:UpperCorner>
In the WMS getCapabilities the Name is not correct it cuts off after the colon
infrared-goes_13 1km……
The WCS describecoverage looks correct, just odd because of the naming convention.
ows:Titleinfrared-goes_13 1km</ows:Title>
Dominique Bessette
Engineer, Software
General Dynamics Information Technology
Supporting Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC)
Office: 619-881-2748